
Just noticed yesterdywhen it were really really hot, if I do more than 40mph the air con just seems to move air about, ie it aint cold no more.
Yet in traffic/ below 40mph, works luvley
I know a few people have said how crap the hippo A/C is, has anyone else noticed this phur.... phermon...Pherk it ..
Is it bust or just crap;)
I start mine drive to the end of the road and its cold 3-5 mins its chillin tend to mix vents and floor when on the motorway can still feel it chillin me tootsies but dont realy get iced from the vents. but when I get outta the car at the end of trip you can tell by the heat outside It was workin fine...regards cartman690...
same happened to tuesday,so popped into local independant and it needs a degas/regas and reciever/drier £100 +vat,wouldn`t like to try them top up kits as you need to vacum it all out and put in measured lub(keeps the parts and seals moving) and refidgerant,typicial aint it on the hottest days of the year still at least you`ve got the rear window to open
mondo said:
Just noticed yesterdywhen it were really really hot, if I do more than 40mph the air con just seems to move air about, ie it aint cold no more.
Yet in traffic/ below 40mph, works luvley
I know a few people have said how crap the hippo A/C is, has anyone else noticed this phur.... phermon...Pherk it ..
Is it bust or just crap;)

Hi kids,

This is probably again such an input from an old guy who thinks he's giving some help with his stupid posts but did you know you have the most efficiency of your aircon when it is on "recirculate" ?? Then your system can keep cooling more of less cooled air already rather than to 'try' desperately to keep cooling the hot (35°C or more) incoming outside air ??;) ;) ;)

No Air Con unit can fully cool you down .

My local dealer told me to direct the vents at my face to get the benefit from it.

The man is a sage !!!! Works spot on everytime ~ No matter what vehicle im driving !!!!!!

Go On Give It A Try !!!!!:D
In the good old days when I drove a V6 Hippo I found the AC to work sweet. Worked better at speed which goes against what Mondo was saying.
Like Willo says, hit the recirculate button for maximum cooling. Leave it on for say 10 minutes then switch it back off though as the air gets very stale.
My Mondeo gets dam cold in well under 5 minutes, even in this glorious weather we're having.
My wifes MG TF doesn't have AC, only a soft top. Now that is lovely with the roof down, no need for AC :D
Looks like Its bust then!

On fan setting No2-4, Recirc air , Its cold near enough from the off,
Just once you get above 35-40 mph just gets warm-ish

And me warranty dunt cover Air Con!
Looks like you may have a problem there. Mine's 8years old, regassed 3 years ago - colder than a snowmans fart at any speed.
tinytdi said:
Looks like you may have a problem there. Mine's 8years old, regassed 3 years ago - colder than a snowmans fart at any speed.

Oh! cheers Tiny!:rolleyes:
You heard the sayin "On borrowed Time":p ;) :D

Only jokin!
Ha, to be honest Mondo..Tiny has me worried. She seems to be the only Freelander actually built properly. I keep reading these horror stories and thinking "am I missing something?" Guess a jobsworth at Solihull built Tiny. Best car I have ever owned.
tinytdi said:
Ha, to be honest Mondo..Tiny has me worried. She seems to be the only Freelander actually built properly.

Now that's just tempting fate Tiny :eek:
On the drive home tonight your AC will blow warm air just before the head gasket blows and your VCU seizes up. Your clock will go all screwy too.

Mondo, sounds like more money will have to be put in the Hippo fund eh :p
Why are you jabbing pins in the tyres of that model Freelander Mark?
More to the point....why does it have my reg on it?
mondo said:
*****n! Wont Its got windows;) :D
Buy some of the top up squirty cans top ta danger mark [that works] i get chill blanes now if i switch it on, had ta get Porky de frosted, took two hours wiv the hair blower mod. . .:D
Did All that bit mate,
but I'll av a nuver test of it tmorra, should have enough left for a few refills.
Take it to a garage, get the system totally emptied, cleened and lubed then regassed. AC needs lube you know to keep it working lovely :D
marksurry said:
Take it to a garage, get the system totally emptied, cleened and lubed then regassed. AC needs lube you know to keep it working lovely :D
Hi Mark. . .:)
Evening Ming :D You been spending too much time in the company of Mondo haven't you? Watch him, he's a wild one ;)
marksurry said:
Evening Ming :D You been spending too much time in the company of Mondo haven't you? Watch him, he's a wild one ;)
Like yourself he's my earth chum. . .;)

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