
Dyed-in-the-wool 100% RR Junkie
Full Member
Noticed this 1994 90 up the road from me on the way home last night....Woking/Bisley area

It has been clamped by the DVLA for not being taxed and on a public road.

Is it yours?? - If so get in contact with the DVLA - I would hate to see it crused for the sake of £118+ for 6 months Tax

Is it stolen and been dumped?? - Anyone recognise it??

I called the DVLA to see what they are going to with it and if it is going to be crushed, would they be willing to sell it to me to save them the trouble....they said if it was of any resonable resell value it would go to auction, but they said considering its age (17-18 years old) it would more than likely be crushed...I tried bargaining with them, but they said the law is the law....

Shame as it is in fantastic condition....

Green, hard topped, White Wolf Race Steels, good tyres, clean and sound rear X-member, outriggers etc....

Big Big Shame if it gets crushed....:(


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That doesn't make sense, if they can sell it and get cash then that would be better that crushing it.

The law can't state that if a vehicle is worth more than £x then it shall be sold.
cut the clamp off, apply for a new v5 and say you bought it off pikies
That's a bit odd, surely nobody would dump a serviceable Land Rover. I assume the Police are aware and therefore it's not recorded stolen?

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