There is absolutely nothing pre 96 on there.. it's a ringer of the highest order.

One for the AVCIS thread.
looks like parts off lots of different defenders , i dont get how they can get away with all this sorta stuff i mean if it was a real 96 with upgraded to TD5 parts fair enough, but would still be on a 96 plate, but that on log book its a 88"!! Its just crazy !
Thats not legal then is it?

Well from my understanding no its not legal , but i think its sorta a grey area with lots of loop holes, i think what they try and claim is they started with a 88" chas on a custom build and it was rotten so they paired it with a TD5 one pr something along those lines. As its hard to prove its not a heavily modded 88" i guess in some cases
Well from my understanding no its not legal , but i think its sorta a grey area with lots of loop holes, i think what they try and claim is they started with a 88" chas on a custom build and it was rotten so they paired it with a TD5 one pr something along those lines. As its hard to prove its not a heavily modded 88" i guess in some cases

But i was under the impression that if it was swapped and changed that much it had to be put on a Q plate!!
To keep id chassis has to be swapped like for like according to dvla, and has to be new as they wount change chassis numbers on log book, i was looking into buiding a landrover 90 from scratch and there web site was crap so phoned them up to ask all the questions and said sod it i will just buy a 90
Well from my understanding no its not legal , but i think its sorta a grey area with lots of loop holes, i think what they try and claim is they started with a 88" chas on a custom build and it was rotten so they paired it with a TD5 one pr something along those lines. As its hard to prove its not a heavily modded 88" i guess in some cases

If it was there would be loads of paper work and a build thread,
So basically, completely pointless ha! thats the only good reason i see? And merry xmas!

haha merry christmas to you too :)

Only benefit I can possibly see is classic insurance but then they'd have to declare all the modifications such as it being a coiler, engine etc so thats still a pointless piece of work :banana:
Well from my understanding no its not legal , but i think its sorta a grey area with lots of loop holes, i think what they try and claim is they started with a 88" chas on a custom build and it was rotten so they paired it with a TD5 one pr something along those lines. As its hard to prove its not a heavily modded 88" i guess in some cases
There is no grey area or loopholes with this. Unless the vehicle has the original, unmodified chassis, or a new chassis that is an exact copy of the original, then the vehicle needs either an IVA or SVA inspection and will be issued with either a Q plate, or an age related plate that is related to the newest major component fitted, in this case the TD5 chassis. Which IIRC was introduced in 1998.
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