Personally I'd say the seller is a dreamer, it's by no means perfect and not worth 23k of my money. I wouldn't pay anywhere near that for it, some may but not I.

However, I would spend less than half that on a good late TD5.
I'm sure that ad said new chassis, all new bushes and bolts. Maybe in good nick but don't look new to me.
Good, so it's not just me.
Not that I don't want it it be true, if it does sell then I'm sitting on quite a pot of money :)
They say new chassis? Did they buy 1 from LR then?

Looks good but not 23k good. Bulkhead looks suspect too.

Total dreamer, that's certainly not a new chassis, if it's had one it was 15 years ago, all the doors are rotten, bulkhead issues. V8 motor not everyone's cup of tea, thats a 5k motor not 23k.
Do we have a skewd sense of the value of some of these models?
Yes it's an okd Land Rover with some good and bad aspects but for him to put that value on it, a a trader, must mean something, right?

I had seen a couple of others of similar vintage but shinier and with more miles for about £15-17K, I thought that was a lot until I saw this one.

I was also in conversation with someone from one of the specialists at the Land Rover Legends event that took an interest in my one when I said it was reletively genuine and still had the 'county' stickers down the side.

I just wonder if there's something in it and we're looking at it from the owners and carers point of view, rather than some of these perhaps rose tinted views non owners have :)
It was built as and still has a V8 in it. Whether it's the original engine number, I don't know. Does that make a difference?
Is that for legal/import reasons or just the customers demands? I can find out though.
It's for import reasons. They have a nasty habit of crushing cars that are not numbers matching. For example I can not sell my 1989 Ninety, because I have fitted a Disco 200tdi engine into it.

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