
Well-Known Member
I have resealed both sunroofs and nearly finished putting it back together and am unsure if this is a part of it or just ended up in the wrong place. Any ideas if it fits ibehind the loadspace panels?


Yep, definitely from the inner lower right 3/4 . I also found one, but couldn't work out how it should be used / orientated - lol
I believe it's a sound deadener. I removed the one under the steering wheel area.
If it gets too loud inside the cab from outside noise, I'll crank up some Noisia on the stereo to drown it out. :cool:
From the shape, you'd think it was obvious where it belongs & how to position it.
I thought it ought to fit around the air exit vent behind the rear right hand side inner trim to maybe reduce road noise, but couldn't find any sensible position for it.
I gave up & threw it away.
I will have one last look tonight and I may well do the same. I don't think it would have much soundproofing value.
I managed to work it out as there was some double-sided tape on one face and it matched up around that black vent (?).
Part fitted.jpg
Surely it can’t go doesn’t appear to trap ANY water in that location!:D
Id look for a similarly shaped rust hole. That’ll be where it’s from!:D

Love that colour Disco!!
The tape had long gone from ours & there was so much dust around that there were no witness marks to work from.
It looks a good fit there, but what on earth does it actually do then - unless its just to help stop the trim panel being pushed too far back ?
It does fit snuggly around the vent but if it was to stop the trim panel going back too far then there should logically be a corresponding piece on the other side. But not everything on a Land Rover is logical.

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