
Active Member
Howdy guys been away for a while.
A mechanic suggested to add a pair of coil springs between rear leaf springs and frame to make the truck smoother a drive better. Is this a good idea?
This will be done only in the back. Would it cause any problems in cornering? Has anybody done this?

thanks in advance and sorry about messy drawing, but it shows what he intend to do.
View attachment 115016 Howdy guys been away for a while.
A mechanic suggested to add a pair of coil springs between rear leaf springs and frame to make the truck smoother a drive better. Is this a good idea?
This will be done only in the back. Would it cause any problems in cornering? Has anybody done this?

thanks in advance and sorry about messy drawing, but it shows what he intend to do.
Can see how coils instead of leafies would make it smoother but wouldn't a whole other spring just make it even more stiff?
Plus there's no where to mount that extra spring on the chassis, so would have to be fabricated? and if youre gonna do that then you might as well get rid of the leafs afterwards... im not sure
interesting idea!
There is a, system that uses rubber cones in a similar way to give increased weight capacity (Google AEON spring assisters)
adding coils isn't going to help the ride.... if it's an 88 then the ride is notoriously choppy even when springs in good order and loaded.... neglected/rusty springs and knackered dampers won't help things,......
Theoretically that might work but as posted there's nowhere to fit them without modifying the axle and spring plate. It would need weight calculations too but not convinced of the benefits v costs. Could also effect the handling as in stability. Too light axle weight?
To improve the ride what you need is really supple standard springs. Wait till spring weather arrives and sort your leaf springs out.
Jack up on chassis to give full articulation, wire brush then bash an old screwdriver in between the leaves to separate them a bit. Spray with a mix of oil and paraffin or diesel. Drive around for a week and repeat. Drive around for a week then use spray grease in between the leaves, repeat after a week then two or three times a year. My 88 sat over an inch higher after doing this and rode much better. Cost about £5 for the spray grease.
thanks every body I think I am going to do what divie suggests. I have no idea why but shackles instead of being straight and vertical they are bent at an angle. I will take the springs out and clean and oil them to see if they improve. thanks for suggestions.

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