
New Member
Hi Folks,

I 've toyed with the idea of getting a Defender for a number of years, but have always ended up buying something else.

I am looking for an old school 4x4 for shooting and stalking, and possibly a daily driver. It would be used for fairly long road trips of between 200miles and 400miles several times a year for stalking trips so I want a degree of comfort..

Over the years, I have owned several 4x4's, but all were Japanese, and apart from one, they have all been dead reliable, comfortable and more than reasonable off road in a fairly stock form.

I have also driven Series 111's and early Defenders in the military, and TDI Defenders of one sort or another on various shoots/estates.

What really puts me off the Defender is the driving position, with it being quashed up against the drivers door. I currently have a Jimny, and believe it or not, I find that more roomy and comfortable to drive.

Without switching to a Rangy or Disco, is there anything that can be done to improve the drivers seating position? I feel like the steering wheel, seat and peddles need moving to towards the centre of the vehicle by about 3" to 4" to give more elbow room against the drivers side door.

Is that possible or would it be a major undertaking? I'd be happy to loose the centre cubby in the process..

Thanks in advance,

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Just open the window and stick your elbow out. I've never found them uncomfortable to drive personally but then I am only 5ft 8 which seems to be an ideal size :D
Never had an issue with my 110 - and I am 6ft 2
Driven it on 200 mile round trip to Dorset with no problems
Just open the window and stick your elbow out. I've never found them uncomfortable to drive personally but then I am only 5ft 8 which seems to be an ideal size :D

That does seem to be the only answer up to now! But at just over 6' 1" and 15 stone, its not the most comfortable answer on longer trips!

Has the seating position been improved in the newer Defenders? What about the ex military Wolf thats now becoming available?


Newer ones not a clue, the wolf's (overrated in my opinion, its just a defender but if you want a heavy duty chassis then go for it) have exactly the same seat fitting.

You can buy extended seat rails which I've heard make it much more comfortable for someone your height. I'm sure someone can post a link, they're not overly expensive
Extended rails are really just for leg room. Not much can be done to the vehicle to increase sideways room. Have you considered Weight Watchers?
Take the drivers side door off....

Removing the cubby and putting a centre seat in may help to allow you to 'spread' a little
The best in my opinion are 110 5 door station wagons (or a truck cab)

As these don't have the bulkhead behind the front seats that the varients do.

This gives a slight improvement of legroom.

As for comfort, I personally find that they are reasonably comfortable in the front for long journeys. I'd hate to sit in the back though.

You could convert one to an Auto if you want a more lazey drive.
The best in my opinion are 110 5 door station wagons (or a truck cab)

As these don't have the bulkhead behind the front seats that the varients do.

This gives a slight improvement of legroom.

As for comfort, I personally find that they are reasonably comfortable in the front for long journeys. I'd hate to sit in the back though.

You could convert one to an Auto if you want a more lazey drive.

Thanks, I hadn't not thought about the bulkheads being a factor..

I am not looking for a luxuary ride or anything, just a little more elbow shoulder room on the drivers door side..

I am wondering if a little more leg room will allow a more "stretched" driving position, which in turn would help with that..I will take a visit to the local Landy dealer at the weekend and have a play with different seating positions..


The new ones are worse than old. With th addition of ouma injuns came the focus vents which eat into cabin space. Ok once your in but the aperture of the door seems smaller to me. The new cloth seats are reasonably comfortable but not in comparision to any remotely modern vehicle.
I was wondering if you fitted the xeng, handbrake thingyy, which moves it further to the left, I find it snug but not,uncomfortable in my 110 hard top.
With moving the handbrake over you dont have the problem of your left leg pushing into the hand brake leaver,possibly letting you move over three inches.
Other wise get one of those plastic wind / rain guards and go everywhere with the window down and your arm out the window.
Hi Pete I had the same concerns when i bought mine.
I got the Bulkhead removal bar and seat rails from Mudstuff.
Rails & Bars

Takes you back and also lifts you slightly, Then if you need a little more you could get a small steering wheel.

Made a world of difference to me.
Smaller steering wheel makes a big difference in my oppinion.

I've a 110 crew-cab so no bulkhead. I'm 5'9" so not that caught for space anyway although I do have fairly broad shoulders anyway but don't find it a problem at all with the seat almost all the way back on the standard rails and the seatback tilted back as far as it can go.

I actually like the handbrake as its a nice foot rest on a long journey sometimes :p

Fitting different seats soon though which will be a huge improvement. The standard ones aren't really uncomfortable as such and they seem to be good for posture as seats go but its just that they aren't quite supportive and the fact that the seatback doesn't tilt back very far either which would be nice at times if your pulled in on a long drive to rest.
Thanks for everybody's suggestions. I've been pointed towards a TD5 in a local garage so I'm going to take a look at the weekend and maybe take it for a test drive..

Another quick question for the experts: would a County spec Defender be classed as a commercial for road tax purposes? If not, any idea what rate of road tax would be on a vehicle in the 2000 to 2005 age bracket?


Hi Pete I had the same concerns when i bought mine.
I got the Bulkhead removal bar and seat rails from Mudstuff.
Rails & Bars

Takes you back and also lifts you slightly, Then if you need a little more you could get a small steering wheel.

Made a world of difference to me.

I'm 6'6" and over 20st.. I did the same with the bulkhead and riser rails and also a smaller steering wheel.
It change mine from something that I could drive 'just' to being 'really' comfortable. It's an amazing difference.
Thanks for everybody's suggestions. I've been pointed towards a TD5 in a local garage so I'm going to take a look at the weekend and maybe take it for a test drive..

Another quick question for the experts: would a County spec Defender be classed as a commercial for road tax purposes? If not, any idea what rate of road tax would be on a vehicle in the 2000 to 2005 age bracket?



Don't know about the commercial bit but I know County spec is currently exempt from the LEZ (Low Emission Zone in London)

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