

I think I have the wrong becm on my P38. Is there a difference between the petrol and diesel becm?

The car was a none runner when we bought it, I did have the becm looked at and it now starts however pretty much everything else doesn't work, or doesn't work properly.
Purely by chance recently I was talking to a mechanic and my P38 came into the conversation and he just happened to mention how they used to come from the factory with the spare key attached to the chassis somewhere so they didn't get locked out and that sometimes they had the wrong becm fitted which caused all sorts off issues.

This got me thinking, do I have the wrong becm so I started to google, it was at this point I noticed the ones listed for the petrol models do look like the one on mine which is a diesel auto. The ones listed for the diesel do look slightly different to mine.

So my questions are:
**Is there a difference in becm's and do I need one off a diesel auto?
**2nd question is, I have found one of a diesel auto but it has no eka code. Will I be able to get an eka code without a logbook?
** will I also need the engine ecu to match a new becm?
There are low line and high line BECMs that is it. Petrol/ diesel and manual/auto and other options are selected in the BECM with diagnostics. On an unlocked BECM, EKA code is readable as is key code on a locked one they aren't. Only someone with special diag can unlock a BECM. If you fit a new BECM you will have to send the new BECM to a person who can unlock it and load your cars info in it. All you need is to have the BECM setup properly for your car. There is a security code locked into the EMC this must be read and copied to the BECM. So no you don't need a ECM. Your present BECM will be fine it just needs setting up properly if it isn't already.
Thanks wammers. You've just saved me a few quid and a few more headaches.
I really don't want to give up as the chassis on her is very solid and it doesn't have the corrosion either in the electrical connections that a lot seem to suffer from.
If you give me the number off the sticker on your fitted becm, The engine & year of your range rover & I'll tell you if it's correct for your car.
If fact, give me all the info off that sticker, & what spec your car is, electric seats, sunroof etc etc.
If you give me the number off the sticker on your fitted becm, The engine & year of your range rover & I'll tell you if it's correct for your car.
If fact, give me all the info off that sticker, & what spec your car is, electric seats, sunroof etc etc.
Thank you. I have sent you a direct message with the details on.

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