
I've just done the heads on my V8 and I think I've connected everything as should be, when I put the battery back on the car the hazards flashed and the car wouldn't turn over. I used the EKA code and now the car will turn over but still wont start and the hazards still flash. Is the immobiliser still stopping the car starting or have I missed something somewhere else. I know it's not possible to diagnose a problem with such little info, but if someone can just say as long as the hazards are flashing the immoblisier is control, it will give me something to work on.
the immobiliser is not active as long as it cranks as you've disabled it with EKA, flashing hazards and non starting might be the inertia fuel cut-off switch open or some problem on it's circuit, check if it's well plugged then push it down to close it, eventually bridge the pins in it's connector to rule it out
Cheers Sierrafery, I'll give it a go as soon as the rain stops, (which could be in quite a while here in Wales
You was right sierrafery, the fuel cut of needed resetting, it now starts, but not smoothly, I just need to get everything set up.
cheers again

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