
New Member
Hello chaps rather simple question no doubt has been asked many times before so my apologies if it has.

Hot air coming out of the ducts is rather cold although you can feel slight heat trying to come through.

My question is seen as there are no blockages and oil/water are all topped up am i looking at a new heater matrix or is it something simpler.

Thanks chaps...... Its a D-reg 1986 defender ninety with a 2.5 N/A diesel engine
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sounds like your heaters working perfectly tbh :)
give your thermostat a check before yanking out the heater box, but bear in mind they aint much cop at best of times.
Remove the heater, this is another land rover brainwave...you will need a friend (rent one if you are billy-no-mates), as the bolts are in the footwell and impossible to reach with the one hand in the engine bay holding your nuts..so to speak.

Then, land rover brainwave 2...the box is pop-rivetted so you need to drill these out..then remove and flush the matrix...to be honest for £30 quid i'd buy a new one...then place new foam or better yet, that matting stuff you lie on under your sleeping bag in a tent..place this all the way round the bottom, sides and top of matrix to prevent cold air getting past the matrix and into the cab...then new pop rivets..replace the lot and bobs your uncle...

....the heater is 1% better than before...

Then go to (insert clothes shop of your choice) and buy a wooly hat...ah, i see you are in wales..go to a field, find your last girlfriend, cut a large chunk out of her back and stick it on your head.
Thanks for all your kind advice chaps my series 3 pumped out mega hot air compared to the ninety.

Im not in Wales but the large chunk of back that's sitting on my head courtesy of my ex is keeping me rather warm.

cheers again chaps

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