put their postcode in multi-map and zoom out.
tis near Dumfries, wot is where Buster lives.

tsk - kids!
to put it anuvva way
it's as close to Buster as your 90 was to me.
This maybe of no help to you, but here goes. First of all can anyone tell me how far Castle Douglas is from Ecclefechan.

In mid-August I'm travelling down from Orkney via Aberdeen to Devon and will be stopping in a B&B near Ecclefechan. I will then travel onto Derby, stay there for a couple of days and then carry onto Devon, passing Bristol on 18th August. If it could all be tied in and you meet me say on the M5 at whatever junction then maybe I could help you out.
Thaks for the offer Toad :) much appreciated.

Im thinking of asking Buster to buy a pair when he is next in that area and send em standard parcels. Must be cheaper than the £20 delivery they want!


Thaks for the offer Toad :) much appreciated.

Im thinking of asking Buster to buy a pair when he is next in that area and send em standard parcels. Must be cheaper than the £20 delivery they want!



Thats fine buddy. All these places seem to charge way over the odds for postage. I face it a hell of a lot with living where I do. Anyhow I hope it works out and you manage to save a few bob.

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