
New Member
Morning all. I have now come to terms with the fact my old 200tdi lump is dead. I had a replacement lined up from a local farmer. I went and saw him yesterday only to find that he had two 300tdi discos he's been slowly breaking for spares.

A previous owner of my 1990 110 had already changed the 19j for a disco 200tdi so it already has a mixture of parts. As far as I know its currently a lt77 gearbox.

The farmer said I might as well take the r380 box with the 300tdi as its the best gb. which I can only trust his superior knowledge. Having said that, he has a lot more experience working on land rovers than me so when he says its all straight forward to transfer, I am a little worried how easy its going to be. Especially as I want do this properly, to last me and I have little experience of such major jobs.

My initial worries are:
will the r380 fit straight in?
Will i need different engine mounts?
Is the exhaust a straight swop?
What ancillaries can I keep from the 200tdi?
Can I use the old read?
What should I do whilst the engines out?

I plan to fit a HD clutch arm and maybe a new clutch.
The 300tdi was a good runner so perhaps just a timing belt?

Sorry for so many questions I'm new to land rovers and you just can't find this out from the Hayes manual.
Thanks guys
Disco R380 will make the gear stick in the wrong place for a defender.
Personally if the Lt77 is a good one I would mount the 300tdi to that. You can buy pre made engine mounts so that it sits on the old 200tdi chassis mounts, Thus not needing to weld new ones on.
The old rad can be used but the outlet at the bottom is on the wrong side, Nothing a bit of jiggery pokery with the pipe work cant sort and this is how my old one was done.

And clutch, Hd arm and timing belt is a good start.
Just got back from taking the engine out. Which was fun.

I had a read through that other forum and it looks like a r380 box is going to be trickier. But i will check the lt77 output shaft next time I'm there and if that's fudged it might be worth it. So far I think Id need a different crossmember, chasis mounts and tunnel (which I presume allows for the different gearstick position) most of which I could get of a 300tdi defender but I don't know the chances of finding one being broken.

But for now I've just had a delivery so it's onto the rear door.
I'm sure I've read of people mounting the engine further forward to allow for the longer R380 gearbox. It would of course involve welding the mounts.
Yeah if I can't find a scrapped chasis to cut them from I'd have to fit the engine with it on the crane then weld something up from scratch. Which isn't impossible but a lot of work knowing I could have just used the lt77. Plus my welding ability is well amateur. Hopefully this door rebuild should help with thay.
Does anyone know if I could just use the cross member from the disco and cut the mounts from that? I don't know how similar the chassis are.
Aaronmorris when you say the gear stick will be in the wrong place, how much are we talking? I presume its further forward because of the extra length. Will it still come through the tunnel?
Took the gearbox and transfer box out today, in one piece. Which can't be right.

Split them apart and found the input splines on the transfer box were fooked see below. The gearbox out splines were in a much better condition, but did have some wear on the leading corners. Don't know if it needs replacing and if so how hard this is. Or will fitting a cross drilled gear limit any further wear? I need expert opinions please.
mainshaft is really good unusual for both not to be worn the same ,must have either g/box changed or t/box fitted with poor input ,cross drilled will stop any future wear on mainshaft
cheers James. It's hard to know what is an acceptable level when you've only seen one. I read somewhere cross drilled only go on some boxes. Don't suppose you know which?
Morning all. I have now come to terms with the fact my old 200tdi lump is dead. I had a replacement lined up from a local farmer. I went and saw him yesterday only to find that he had two 300tdi discos he's been slowly breaking for spares.

A previous owner of my 1990 110 had already changed the 19j for a disco 200tdi so it already has a mixture of parts. As far as I know its currently a lt77 gearbox.

The farmer said I might as well take the r380 box with the 300tdi as its the best gb. which I can only trust his superior knowledge. Having said that, he has a lot more experience working on land rovers than me so when he says its all straight forward to transfer, I am a little worried how easy its going to be. Especially as I want do this properly, to last me and I have little experience of such major jobs.

My initial worries are:
will the r380 fit straight in?
Will i need different engine mounts?
Is the exhaust a straight swop?
What ancillaries can I keep from the 200tdi?
Can I use the old read?
What should I do whilst the engines out?

I plan to fit a HD clutch arm and maybe a new clutch.
The 300tdi was a good runner so perhaps just a timing belt?

Sorry for so many questions I'm new to land rovers and you just can't find this out from the Hayes manual.
Thanks guys

The exhaust isn't a straight swap as the downpipe is in a different place and, depending on which mounts you use, will foul the engine mount.

Have a look at this thread and it explains about gearbox mounts and cross members and what will fit, it also has some home made mounts and problem solving.

You can fit your 200 turbo and inlet to 300 to save hastle

Thanks for the link. I just read it start to finish, not entirely sure I've got my head around it. Not convinced that was the same as what I'm wanting to do. This is probably a product of the last two days spent turning spanners, not used to proper work these days
Thanks for the link. I just read it start to finish, not entirely sure I've got my head around it. Not convinced that was the same as what I'm wanting to do. This is probably a product of the last two days spent turning spanners, not used to proper work these days

It covers crossmember swap though should you want to use Disco one and shows where gearlever and mounts would be if using Disco gearbox.

300 has different mounts but same boltholes in engine block should you wish to use 200 mounts, just need to get around oil filter position on off side.
I modified and strengthened a 19J mount to avoid oil filter when I put 300 in defender after taking 200 out.

Just bolt gearbox mounts up and fit props you can hang engine off a crane then to find out what to do with engine mounts:)

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