
New Member
i have a 2000 1.8, and i think the IRD is almost on its way out. does anybody have any idea how much this would cost me at an indie garage

thanks for any advice :(
welcome bruce !

If its the noise you refer to in yer other post thats making you think the IRD shagged .
Dunt panic !
The noise will probly be rear diff mount bushes .
Not to expencive to sort out !
yeah thanks, also i forgot to say its making a kinda grinding noise when i was driving it the other day and also a massive knocking noise when in reverse coming down neer the gearbox
Bruce, check yer rear dif, thats exactly the description what mine was doing before it lunched itself. Could just be low oil levels, but prob shagged...
8th-March-2007, 07:53
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Re: Rear Diff Oil Check... what size key??
Originally Posted by ShotgunDrew
Yup... noise still there and the VCU is definitely not goosed... repainted the lines on it and took it orund the block... worth mentioning to anyone that try's this and craps themself that nothingt's moving: you need to pain the lines on the front part of the VCU where the propshaft goes into it... NOT across the two big parts!

Not that I would do something so stupid... oh, no. :rolleyes:

Gonna hold out for a dirt cheap rear diff off ebay or a scrappy and overhaul it myself. Noise does seem to have got a little quieter with more oil in, but I've a feeling the diff is jiggered.

Having said that, it drives fine in a straight line and works well off-road... what am I worried about... :confused: :confused: :confused:

I've just bin down this road, so can tell you...rear dif replace for a brand spanker is £600 incl vat & labour (Cheers Nene Overland :D ). I looked at a recon, but by the time you add on delivery and sprat, its not much less than a new un. Your other option is the recon kits you see on't bay, but the prob with mine was worn cogs.(Also, I've bin told that the recon job itself is not that easy, that from a semi-professional gearbox chappy.) whilst it was on't way to Nene, she hiccupped and threw a lump of cog straight through the dif casing. Thanks to a nice AA man, she went via flatbed.Also no cashback for the old dif..:( . 2 forts, it might be wirth slick50ing the dif if its still a bit noisy, that was a standard fix on capri 2.8 rear lsd's that were whiny, other fort, have you swopped the wheels around lately, if not that may help....:p
Neil C

If it ain't broke some manager'll tell you to fix it anyway, just for the sake of it... :p

Bruce, this is me reply from this thread If the IRD is totalled as well, you are looking at £1K plus for the both of em. Have a look through these threads tho, before you start cacking yersen, but I must admit, I thought that the rear dif mounts anly gave a knockin noisen not a grinding.....
Prop shaft centre bearings

Anti Roll Bar Link Replacement

Clunking noise

Freelander VCU

Rear Diff - Checking...

Front Suspension Thud

Dodgy Freelander Title ' Transmission problem'

Front Diff!

freelander bang help

clunking noise

Good luck.....
and if they dont help - ask Cashew!;)

crikey Cashew - now I know wot been doing the last week:eek: good stuff mate!:D
Ayup Hatters!

Na, bin babysitting and getting me vedgey garden all planted up. Me spuds are bootifully chittled and me onions are in an all...:p

I've got to keep me old hipooo goin, my sprout loves the view from his kiddy seat in front seat, bless him. At 2 1/2 he don't understand why he can't see all the nice sheep and cows in the fields when he's in the bimmer, cos it too low....:D
My Freelander (1.8XI (2000)) has just gone in with suspected tranfer box problems. The car started making a real rough grinding sound. From what I can recall - when the rear diff went it made a knocking noise quite different from the grinding.
Rear diff - low miliage - make me an offer....:D
Keep tripping over the bloomin thing every time i go in the garage.
it was the ird gone! everything else is fine but its cost me 1200 of my finest pounds.

I got the call i was hoping for today after my Freelander has been sitting with the Dealer since last Monday. The warranty direct have agreed to pay for work (less 20% of the price of the transfer box).

Are you using a Land Rover dealer and also would it be rude of me to ask you the break down of parts and labour costings?

I ask because warranty direct are using a recon'ed box which is still over £800 and the labour is about £450.
Lakks, if you ain't got the IRD yet, have a look here, if its any use you owe Hatters a drink, he found this Shop - Road Race Rally: Freelander: BRAND NEW LANDROVER FREELANDER IRD UNIT TAG000230N


Cheers, I have seen some of these, warranty direct have sourced the transfer box from their suppliers, they refused to pay for one supplied my my Land rover dealer or one that I could supply.

The work will be costing me £250 (20% of the price of the unit and the oils etc) and warranty direct are picking up the rest of the tab.
Always a con - that one - they say that they dont pay fur consumables and fair wear and tear - so that includes all the oils, air conn gas if that need to be emptied, coolant and all of that stuff.
They wouldnt pay to see if my cyl heads were warped or cracked after HGF - I had to pay fur that!

good luck guys.
i picked her up this morning 1800 squids, thank god for the old man to help me out.
700ish for the ird
600ish for the vcu
and the rest is labour and other parts such as barings. i had it done at RCV in kent they are good hope that helps

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