
Well-Known Member
It’s a week since I last posted about my ‘grumbling’ IRD. Anyhoo on Thursday after I woke up I managed to get under the car and change the IRD oil.. (a mixture of new and old oil from the previous attempt/really poor oil for new that ended up with me short of the new stuff and having to ‘back fill’ the IRD with some of the old stuff blah blah blah)

Got that done and took the time to look at the newer stuff that came out a little closer. Under a bright LED light it’s apparent that all is not good within the IRD casing.. the oil is dark as you’d expect but it is full of little metallic flecks.. more metal than Lemmy on JD and coke!! Now that it is apparent that the IRD is not a happy ‘Hector’ I have ordered new bearings and seals for it.. they arrive Monday(ish) and I will start to ‘tear down’(as those across the pond to refer to ‘remove and disassembly) the IRD when I get home Wednesday.

I would like to flush the IRD as best as possible before bearing/seal changes/refitting and wonder what would be the best way to do that. Have a parts washer (dubious cleanliness) but really looking at minimal disturbance to the
Assembly if possible. Any pointers would be much appreciated. I am assuming that even a bearing/seal change is regarded as a ‘temporary’ solution in the long run after this has been completed? To get the IRD clean I intend to remove it completely (subframe etc/needs a clean off/paint etc) I have a 20 tonne press so bearings in/out I’m okay with. Stripping/assembling a relatively complex gear/transfer box not so. To alleviate any ‘feckery’ I have elected to get the bus to work next week so I can spread the job over a couple of weeks(I’m away five days at a time)

Any advice regards cleaning/flushing is most appreciated.. Bus is £11.50 one way and a 2.25hr journey… not great when I have late finish and have to sleep in my truck until 0600hrs the following morning.. last time I took the car off the road it stayed in my garage for 4 years.. I’m 60 next month.. Old age bus pass will cover the travel cost.. because .. Scotland.. but I am an Independent man and don’t like adhering to ‘time tables’.. I want the ‘WoeLander’ back on the road ASAP.

Cheers in advance.
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