Muddy Gonzo

Are there any I.T wizards out there that would be able to make a app for greenlane routes as im pretty sure quite a few people would buy it off the app store, i know there are a few similar apps about but nothing dedicated to British greenlanes such as every trail and the memory map app is well expensive when you consider the amount of maps youd need to buy over time.
I just thought id throw the idea out there for people opinions also this would help newbies to the laning world if of course they owned a iphone or a itouch.
Trouble with doing something like that is keeping the info both correct and up to date. Look how hard it is already ...

I also wouldn't want to pass on that kind of hard worked for info only to have some tw4t in a Rav4 or similar take me to court because he got stuck on the green lane I sent him down .... and a disclaimer regarding use mostly isn't worth the effort producing.
what i was thinking was something similar to trailwise but as a app
would be useful if you dident know the route but then if i am unsure just go on to trialwises web site while i am out and cheak only problem is in wales i never have good signal:p
there is already an app yu can use - QCTViewer.
It is an app which will allow you to view and mark and log your route on Memory map maps.

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