Hi Everybody
Been trawling through this forum for a couple of years, I have found it very useful so I thought id better register and say Hi.
Expect to see a lot of me as I have the Range Rover 2005 Vogue complete with ALL the faults, leaky sunroof drains, steering column electrics, gearbox etc.
why do I still love this car is a question I ask my self regularly.
no doubt there will be questions to ask very soon

Welcome to landyzone painting naked Landrovers on tarmac.
Why do we love Landrovers:
The sound of coughing up a lung full when starting.
Finding a gear that works still.
Admiring in the rear view mirror the dust cover for rust falling off.
Not able to hear from screaming children and their mother outside or inside.
With an odd shaped toolset and plenty of duct tape as your trusted friend, you can confidently say it was able to move.
That's why you love your Landrover.

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