
New Member
I'm new to this forum snd my question about my irritating rangey snd my most vommon answer wsd introfuce myself never having fone that before im not dure exactly what you want to know so here goes im fro surrey I wad a mechanic untill brain surgery for an aneurysm left me unable to work so im trying to run my p38 on disability which wasnt suppose to be diffcult becsuse iit has an lpg conversion but like most parts of yhe car the lpg stopped working but thats a problem for another day , it took me 5 years of wheeler dealing old fords to raise thr money for my rangey which was my dream car (yeah mightmares are dreams to) im fast becoming an expert on this thing and will gladly help snyone I csn in time but right now im lost and need help with my starting problem enough of me boring you all

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