Just a quick hello to all who read this.

i have joined the community in order to help me solf a problem or two with my disco, i aquired the disco 1 month ago now as i had my sedona pinched and not being able to go back into employment for med reasons i cannot afford a hp on a newer car so got what i could afford so i now have a p reg disco
pore condition when i got her but after a good clean on the inside by my parter and then a full days pro polish by myself ( bit of a clue to what i used to do there, no i didnt valet cars i applied the colour to them after peaple desided to alter the shape of the motor lol)

so anyways i have always liked discos but never got one and now i have i must admit i like it alot and have made a few changes to her i will post some before and after picturs up of her in a thread later on

i think that just about covers that for now so again hello to all you landy members

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