
New Member
Hello All.

My name is Oliver Phoenix. I hope everyone is well and it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I purchased a 2006 sport a few days ago. She's a lovely machine with 30,000 on the clock and a full history. Very lucky to have her. She is almost perfect. There is however one problem and I would very much appreciate feedback from the forum. It's a bit of a saga so please bare with me.

The common problem of the sat nav screen freezing up and draining the battery was present so the previous owner took it to his mechanic who couldn't fix it so he has done something to disable the whole unit altogether. The unit is off with only an amber light constantly flashing on the power button. Pressing the power button does nothing. He did this by re-routing the fiber optic cables in the rear left of the boot compartment (all fuses are present so it's definetly been done by re-routing the fiber optics). I am currently trying to return it to how it was when it was broken but I have no idea how the original fiber optic cabling was wired. There is a fiber optic cable that has been removed altogether which is in the boot. There is no connection present on the Bluetooth module either. The way it's been re-routed is so the previous owner could still drive the car without the battery going constantly flat, obviously there is no sound, radio, screen etc. if somebody could kindly take some pictures of their fiber optic wiring so I can see how it is supposed to be I can then return it to standard so I can diagnose and fix the problem properly. I can live with the battery drain in the interim whilst in the process of fixing it. It currently looks like this (picture below). I am located near Marlow and if anybody is close by I could come to them to see how it's wired in the flesh. I am on 07496499915 if anyone would be kind enough to whatts app or txt me some pictures? It's a lot to ask from a newbie and I appreciate it may come across a bit cheeky. I have checked for pictures online but nothing is clear enough to show the routing of the fiber optics. I would go to the garage that did it but that particular mechanic has been dismissed after one too many customers complained about shoddy workmanship (garage is an Indy and by no means any kind of specialist). I just want to return it to standard so I can fix it and replace things if neccassary. Thank you everyone in advance.
I haven't got a clue how to fix ur prob mate but welcome to the forum someone will help u on here but I wouldn't post ur phone number they will private message u iv anyone can help good luck with the problem
Hi Pete!

Thanks for the advice. I know where your coming from but it's my third phone and just a pay as you go disposable number. Use them for work I'm a consultant and travel a lot with the foreign office.
I very much doubt the optical cable will be anything to do with it. Fibres just transmit signals (in this case a common BUS signal and also your sound/nav info) they don't carry any power at all

If your unit isn't switching on at all then it has been disabled some other way. Even if the optics aren't plugged in the unit should power up at the very least - it wouldn't be able to communicate with your NAV system etc but it should at least switch on! I think you might have to take it to someone who really knows what they are doing. I might also be tempted to check the MOT history, 30,000 on a 2006 Sport??
Hate to point new mwmbers to other forums, but www.fullfatrr.co.uk is a forum more in tune with the later MOST fibre optic systems on the later models....

But do keep coming back here to join in and share what you learn, thats how we will learn too.....
Chewster, thank you for your reply. Indeed your right. The MOST ring is messed up but that does not have a bearing on powering the unit. I have power to the unit now (it was a fuse after all). My biggest issue is that of the way the MOST ring should be connected up. Could somebody please take 2 mins and send me a few photos of the fiber optic connections in the boot area so I can return mine to how it should be.

It's a vogue not a sport (typo my bad) 2006 with 30,000. It's an old clients car which was hardly ever used on his estate. So the mil age is genuine. Thanks for the concern though.
Saint V8!

Thank you for your reply too!

I have posted the same question/problem over there too but have not got much back from the community. I've been very polite and respectful to everyone (like I always am) but nobody seems to want to help me by sending me a few pics for reference.
Hi Pete!

Thanks for the advice. I know where your coming from but it's my third phone and just a pay as you go disposable number. Use them for work I'm a consultant and travel a lot with the foreign office.

Works for the FO.. Uses burner phones..

Cultural Attache is the other euphamism often used ;)

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