
New Member
Hi All,
Got a disco diesel Auto TD5. Put key into the ignition, turn - lots of nice lights come up - turn the key once more - CLICK. Repeat a couple of times and the engine starts. I'm thinking starter solenoid? Disabler? Something else???

Any words of advice gratefully received.
Yup battery connection , engine earth , starter wire on the starter its self.

And very rear but even the ignition switch sometimes do develope faults on hi milage cars.
This sounds exactly like what happened to me (although it was my other car - a golf - not my trusty disco) and it was the starter motor.
dodgy earth connection or battery terminal. possible solenoid.
and yes, very rarely an ign switch faulty.
get a 12v jump pack, connect the red to the battery and connect the black to the engine , give that a try, if its still the same its yer starter/solenoid ;)

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