Active Member
Today whilst driving...all of a sudden power steering was feeling 'off'. From centre a wee touch either way was going 'stiff' for a second then fine again then the odd stiffness again for a second. But proper rock hard stiffness. Getting worse throughout the day...to the point it was starting to get a bit iffy to drive.

I was thinking oh no, here we go.

Searched on this forum. Lots of advice 're steering box, pump etc. But thought I'd try easiest route first.

Took wd40 and sprayed steering ujs, scrubbed the gunge out of them.

Then greased them up.

Job done, steering perfect again.

Fantastic when not everything costs a fortune or a weekends work to fix! And thanks again to this forum I knew what to try within minutes.

Just wanted to post up for reference as seems common enough topic of discussion online.

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