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Hi I have a 2005 4.4v8 vouge it haa started to have intermitant clunk on N/S when taken to garage comes back no fault also feels like n/s wheel going to fall off
Hi I have a 2005 4.4v8 vouge it haa started to have intermitant clunk on N/S when taken to garage comes back no fault also feels like n/s wheel going to fall off
What make of front struts do you have?,I believe Dunlop struts have a clunking problem l
I think my ****ty Dunlop strut knock when turning as the top bearings were an early failure but there are lower arms that have the bushes fail on the inside where they bolt to the chassis and then there is a lower ball joint that is also a failure point. I changed both arms and bottom ball joint, I have a thread here somewhere. Another fail is the inner steering rack rods buy they cause play in the steering.
Does it clunk over bumps or when turning ?
Mines a p38 ,but i had a clunk that only happened when turning right in a car park ,full lock banged right through the body but not all the time ,it was a drop link not a lot of play in it ,but changed and all good now ....o_O
Think (saxons) been knocked unconscious ,braking while hang gliding ..Maybe just maybe its a pot hole :D:D:D:D
I find working on my range rover a little like child birth might be, at the time it is a right pain in the ****, but afterwards I tend to forget and end up doing it again...:)

Yes, planning my next operation at the moment. Got a creeper now so hopefully my back will be a bit more comfortable!

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