
New Member
Is it possible in your opinion or on your experience , to upgrade 2001 Fl interior to 2004 restyiling or better to fl2? i don't like old interior very much and that's make me doubtful on buying that old car. I'll surely upgrade faclift but i was wondering about interior......
Thank you very much for your answers
Gipsypilot from Rome,Italy
Is it possible in your opinion or on your experience , to upgrade 2001 Fl interior to 2004 restyiling or better to fl2? i don't like old interior very much and that's make me doubtful on buying that old car. I'll surely upgrade faclift but i was wondering about interior......
Thank you very much for your answers
Gipsypilot from Rome,Italy

It shoudln't be too tricky to upgrade to the 2004> 06 styling as it's still a FL1 - but I'd imagine FL2 would be nigh on impossible - unless you're good pals with Bernie & Leepu!
can't upgrade the pre-facelift freelander 1 dashboard to post-facelift dashboard. Apparently, so I have been led to believe by a post on this forum, pre-facelift instruments work on the true signal from sensor basis, and post facelift use can-bus technology.

ready to be corrected...
the fact is that i don't like the seats design.... any trick to substitute them? Maybe you know if another car model seat would fit in here?

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