
New Member
Hi all

Daft question Im sure but should the interior light on a 84 Defender come on when the doors open or is there a switch hid somewhere?

Also, windscreen washer pump is it on the same fuse as the wiper arms?

my 84 has a switch for the inside light. its located with the rocker switches below right of the stearing wheel (with the hazard and rear fog). for some reason my interior light switch has 2 clicks. only the 2nd one activates my internal light.

your asking a bit much for some automatic lighting on an 84 aint you? next you will want it to dim after 30 seconds on entry!

i blew the fuse on the wiper system and everything stopped. once replaced, it all worked again. so it would be safe to say, yes, one fuse.

hope this helps

Double Wammy!!!!!

I don't have a switch for the interior light i just have a hole where it used to be...hrmmmm

and my wipers work fine but the washers don't. Guess my washer pump may have packed up! How can I test the electrics upto the washer pump?

Cheers for the help!
Interior lights! bloody luxury!

Definitely the same fuse for washer and wiper motors. Get yerself a multimeter, if you haven't spent all your dosh on axle stands!

Actually a piece of wire soldered onto the bottom of a indicater bulb did me for long enough.
Didn't buy axle stands in the end, sorted it eventually with trolly jack. Did buy a multimeter though from Machine Mart earlier only £7!! So what do I do with it. Im guessing ignition on, connect ends of multimeter to ends of washer pump connections and see what i get???? What should i be expecting?
DerbysRed said:
What should i be expecting?

Nowt! .bugger all, !

Cos you wont be able to reach the washer switch from there!!:p

get someone to give the swich a shove for you and yer should get about 12v
Nowt! .bugger all, !

Cos you wont be able to reach the washer switch from there!

HA ah HA ha aH Aah ahahh AHhahaha AHhah ahahah ahahah HAhhaha ahahha.
With some-one pressing the button on your behalf use your meter and place the red lead on the +ve side of your pump place the other lead on an appropriate clean earth -ve. You should read 12volts DC if you have 12 volts but the pump doesn't run you need to check the -ve side. From another earth point use your meter to check for continuity from the -ve side of the pump to earth.

If this all checks out buy a new pump, or chance it and save some work cos it's only £5.
Cheers Treev150!

"the other lead on an appropriate clean earth -ve.!

sorry for being dump but what would you consider to be appropriate?

Thanks again!
Any piece of metal thats not painted or rusted to the point that scratching the surface a little won't get bare metal will be "appropriate"
Very nicely put MR discomania,

I think that sums it up a treat. Clean bare metal, try the flexable earth tag on the side of the engine to the chassis. This should be suitable.
I must have the 1984 Defender DELUX. Mine has a large (House Exterior) light that comes on and off when I open and close the drivers door although it must be the SUPER-DELUX 90 that operates on both doors.:D

I also had a problem with my screen washer but found that a sharp tap with a large hammer on the pump then jiggle the wires did the job.


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