You know, I started mine up today and she completely failed to sound like a diesel. She ran on all 8 cylinders witha fearsome rumble. I didn't get to hear the delicious cacophony of a narrow boat engine, nor did I have the benefit of a smokescreen on acceleration....
Bio will f..k every rubber seal up in ur fuel line, the seals changed when we introduced the Tempest, known to you as Discovery 2. I am not tryin to be a spoilsport, just giving you a bit of info.
I have not been a member for long on this site & most of you members are very experienced & helpfull.
Jumped in mine this morning, great fuel consumption all the way to work, parked up, got out, locked it up, walked away, looked back (to make sure Id switched lights off ) thought 'oh f..k' Must av been a late night, the missus had got the privelage of the V8 for the day, I had jumped in the Galaxy.
Thought I may have a phone call in the day moanin about a prob, but no. May be empty on fuel now though.
Bio will f..k every rubber seal up in ur fuel line, the seals changed when we introduced the Tempest, known to you as Discovery 2. I am not tryin to be a spoilsport, just giving you a bit of info.
I have not been a member for long on this site & most of you members are very experienced & helpfull.

ive now run straight veg oil for aprox 3k with no problems ... seems to like fresh stuff at 50/50 .......i know fred in the shed bio will fook it up plus now ive said its not been faulty its gonna break bay it ...! roof still leaks tho ! .....and it still bay got a sun roof ....
Bio will f..k every rubber seal up in ur fuel line, the seals changed when we introduced the Tempest, known to you as Discovery 2. I am not tryin to be a spoilsport, just giving you a bit of info.
I have not been a member for long on this site & most of you members are very experienced & helpfull.

well I have to say I don't go mad with the mix, it stays predominately pump diesel, but if the seals will give up....Then as pump dino diesel must contain up to 10% think this will be an issue.:doh:

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