
Active Member
While having a look at the faults on my HEVAC I was looking at the live data for the engine and noticed my intake air temperature sensor was reading 30 degrees. I left the car to cool down to check the sensor when cold and it was reading 26 degrees. My car is a 1995 4.0 with a GEMS ECU.

I've took the sensor out and gave it a quick clean with no difference. I saw someone on another forum saying that theirs was reading 50 degrees in 30 degree weather but I have no idea if that's normal (I assume not).

Can someone with diagnostics take a look at their own GEMS intake temperature sensor and see what value they get compared to the actual outside temperature?
While having a look at the faults on my HEVAC I was looking at the live data for the engine and noticed my intake air temperature sensor was reading 30 degrees. I left the car to cool down to check the sensor when cold and it was reading 26 degrees. My car is a 1995 4.0 with a GEMS ECU.

I've took the sensor out and gave it a quick clean with no difference. I saw someone on another forum saying that theirs was reading 50 degrees in 30 degree weather but I have no idea if that's normal (I assume not).

Can someone with diagnostics take a look at their own GEMS intake temperature sensor and see what value they get compared to the actual outside temperature?

Intake air temperature: The current value read from the Temperature sensor, which is mounted in the side of the air filter box. Used by GEMS to compensate for climatic variances. The sensor is fail-safe with GEMS substituting a value of 50 degrees centigrade in the event of sensor failure.

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