
New Member
hi, im 15 and have a series 3 deisel swb, does anybody know how much the insurence will b about for me to drive wen im 17? thanks
Allowing for monetary inflation, insurance price inflation, your driving offences over the next two years, your disabilities, and the fact that your vehicle is heavily modified, £5,000.13.
I'm sure there was another post on the forum about insurance & for young people it was extortionate! :eek:

You may joke about £5000, but I'm sure that was the upper figure quoted.

Hurrah! At last, an advantage in being old! ;)
Don't take this the wrong way but as a 17 year old you will be new to the road and a bit silly and a Landrover is not the vehicle to be silly in. You will be wanting to go fast and its a heavy motor to have to correct when you lose it. Its not easy. I would go for something smaller and a little cheeper to insure. Alot of companys will not insure anybody under 21 in a vehicle over 2 Litre. Landrovers are hard to drive and expensive on fuel if you are going out to impress the girls. When I was young I wanted to go out every night to see my mates in town you know what I mean and it cost me £10 a night in fuel that was in a Mini 1000cc ( Very Good No Fuel ) if I was to do that in my Landy now it may cost me £30 a night and I own a series 3 Diesel with 90 diffs. I can get 85mph but its not advised as a landy does NOT go in a straight line at that speed. Also you need the wind up your arse to do it or a hill. Please don't take offense to this message. When you get your licence you will be silly and do things that you have no controle over and it may be bad for you and other people if you are driving a Landrover.


It's sound advice in my book Mr M (yeah, I got a mini thing too!). Honest & not offensive.

Countrylad, you ain't gonna get it on the road without a lot of lucre. If you ARE a country lad (& from your location it seems so) you may know someone with some private land? If you do you can tool around there with the landowners consent & your folks guidance 'till the cows come home.

It's going to be cheaper & I for one would kill for the opportunity. Wrack your brains, you must know SOMEONE?
One of my office juniors has a series 3, he is 18 years old, the good people at the national farmers union insure him for just over £670 TPFT.

Hope this helps, PS, when i was 17 i had a series 2a, I was NEVER short of female company!!!!!! You can go a LOT further in a landy!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Know What I Mean Matey ???? :D :D :D :D
Had my first Landrover at 18 (2A 2.25petrol) insurance with the NFU was £480 third party only, Was 8 years ago now (damn it where did the time go) so will have gone up a bit i reckon, as far as the lady's go i never had any prob's, 5 ladys in the back with lucky mate, and another 2 in the front with me, so much cooler than a mpv (grandad) and always nice to be able to drive into the wood's rather than the laybye(?) next to it!!!!!
Ignore the old's who think you have no self control because youve still control off your bladder, wire up the tunes and cruise my friend.........
Had my first LR at 55, hate to think what kind of woman would want to jump on me in my 2a. Arrrghh!

Back on topic, a pal has a trader's policy naming himself & sons as partners, they can drive pretty much anything and the cost works out quite reasonably split four ways. Just a thought.
Hate to annoy you but I use Roadsure on an ex-military vehicle policy and pay £87 a year fully comp with only a £50 excess. I also enjoy unlimited mileage. I'm 34 though. They were the best quote by far for me, the highest being £217!
A Trade policy is a great idea, BUT,,, if you give another person a lift and the boys in blue pull you over or if you have an accident, then you can have a whole load of trouble!!!!!

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