
New Member
I am in the process of buying an ex-military Land Rover 90. On the registration document it says it is a pick-up, but the owner has fitted a station wagon top and said it used to be a soft top. When we asked our insurance company about cover they kept asking if it was a single or double cab because of the registration document description. We explained it was neither and they said they would not insure it.

So this has left me with a few questions if anyone can help.
Do I need to change the registration document?
What would happen if I insure it as a station wagon and decide to use it as a soft top in the summer, would my insurance be void?
Is there any insurance company's that would cover it no matter what top I was using?
Can anyone recommend the best insurance company?
My 110 says station wagon on the v5, but it's a van. When I rang to insure it they said it was a pickup. I said no, it's a van but it's got station wagon on the v5, and they just said ok no problem. That was direct line btw
Thanks for the advice.
I called Adrian Flux they didn't ask what type of Land Rover 90 it was and gave a quote of £105 including off road driving
which sounds really good to me.

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