mozz smith

Well-Known Member
HI lads i thought id amuse myself , i got a letter today from adrian flux asking me to get a quote from them for my renewal ???????? so i rang them gave them their "special offer deal to landyrange members " and all my details plus what im paying NOW i.e. churchill fully comp 5 yrs no claims and named driver £416.74 YES i do let the wifey drive now and then ,anyway after 7 minutes on the phone listening to all the bull sxxxt :blah::blah::blah: They said £686,20 ... GUESS what you know who i WONT BE RINGING AGAIN :):):):) where do they justify this ???????????
regards MOZZ
They wanted 3.5k to insure my disco FC or £1500 for 3rd party………I'm currently insured for £1280 FC.

Idiots, I told them my renewal before they calculated anyway and then they ask if I'd still be interested
i gave them a call asking about P38 with and without LPG. ok i got no no claims yet, but they still wanted over £2200 without and get this! £2800 with LPG. as it was said, wont be ringing them again. Admiral was much cheaper :)
I am also with the far the cheapest for me

34y, '99 DSE, 9y NCB, Good area, 1 claim (Classic Stolen in Jan '11) - £435ish
I'm with Lancaster, 26yo 3 points when I took insurance out 330 quid full comp, excess is low also bout 250
97 dse manual
I am also with the far the cheapest for me

34y, '99 DSE, 9y NCB, Good area, 1 claim (Classic Stolen in Jan '11) - £435ish

i managed a quote of £1200 from Admiral. but that is '0' no claims. 2001 4.6HSE. if it has LPG it goes to £1140. OH! and 44 now lol.:D
Hi lads iam with adrian flux and pay 275 plus 15 quid for loss of key, i have a 1999 p38 4.6 on lpg after that it was l v at 285 with out key cover.
I'm with Lancaster, 26yo 3 points when I took insurance out 330 quid full comp, excess is low also bout 250
97 dse manual
WTF? Is that a typo? The cheapest I got was 1200 with my P38, totally clean license, safe area, same age. I feel like I'm being ripped off for living in Yorkshireland. Bitches be jelly.
me and missus (aged 45ish) are with "Sureterm" - P38 2000 4.0 v8 petrol HSE insured for £3500, 5k max annual mileage , 8yrs protected NCD, std £100 excess living in Essex = £244 per year - luvvly jubbly!!!!!
I am with Adrian Flux £350 fully comp. Thing I like about them is they don't mind mods unlike lots of others.
Radiator burst last year and had to call out breakdown. Service was excellent.
I'm on an Admiral multi car thing. Both cars are comprehensive and business use and the lpg RR is (from memory) £230.
I am with Adrian Flux £350 fully comp. Thing I like about them is they don't mind mods unlike lots of others.
Radiator burst last year and had to call out breakdown. Service was excellent.

Bunch of robbing barstewards. Quoted me £147 listed 2 mods. asked em to fone me which they did. told em me mods, HD bumpers and a snorkel. They put the quote up to £267 conning tossers. Had to take it out cos I needed to be able to drive the disco there and then. But I is gonna cancel under the 14day rule and get it cheaper somewhere else.
24yr old 6yr ncb at present admiral want 850 and flux want 461 with key cover and accident cover for me and passangers and 150 excess tpft I'll b with flux this yr admiral quoted me more than.last yr and it is on a multi policy this yr
WTF? Is that a typo? The cheapest I got was 1200 with my P38, totally clean license, safe area, same age. I feel like I'm being ripped off for living in Yorkshireland. Bitches be jelly.

No typo mate, it was 270 last year so was ****ed off it went up 60, and took away driving other cars privilege bastids
Lancaster with brake down cover, windscreen cover, green laning cover, legal cover ect ect
25 years old no ncb no points and one hell of a ****y postcode

£330 full comp
I am 28 years old with a p38 4.6 v8. I am with Sureterm for my insurance and I pay 350 quid a year, covered for 5,000 miles. I do have a nice postcode though :D

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