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New Member......DT manual 1998......Preston.... Lancs

Hi Folks, with reference to an earlier post about insurance, Ive just

had another look and im suprised at how little some of you are paying, Im running a 1998 DT manual and Im paying £630 a year, last year it was £250 cheaper. I called them and asked why the big increase, reason being other people making claims.....WTF...?...shouldnt it be them paying the increases and not us poor sods with 8yrs no claims, whats the f****g point in acumilating no claims to get stung like that....Wammers your in Preston arent you ?...How much do you have to fork out id be interested to know, just wonderin here if the Post Code has anything to do with it.....Thanks...
Excellent post Sean, opened my eyes to why my multi-car policy with Frizzell jumped up by £200 a couple of years ago. I went to Admiral and saved £150 in the end.

Thats an eye opener. I live in TA5 which is a quiet set of villages and I've not heard about any car crimes to speak of. TA6 is cheaper which is a larger town etc that I'm always hearing about car crime. More likely they think us in the sticks can afford more :-/
New Member......DT manual 1998......Preston.... Lancs

Hi Folks, with reference to an earlier post about insurance, Ive just

had another look and im suprised at how little some of you are paying, Im running a 1998 DT manual and Im paying £630 a year, last year it was £250 cheaper. I called them and asked why the big increase, reason being other people making claims.....WTF...?...shouldnt it be them paying the increases and not us poor sods with 8yrs no claims, whats the f****g point in acumilating no claims to get stung like that....Wammers your in Preston arent you ?...How much do you have to fork out id be interested to know, just wonderin here if the Post Code has anything to do with it.....Thanks...

Hi mate i am in PR1 pay about £450.00. Car crime in the area of PR1 i am in is almost zero. But a relitive got a quote £280.00 higher for renewal earlier in the year, when she asked why the insurance company told her it was because there are a lot of Pakis making claims from staged accidents in the area. Anywhere with a large Pakistani population was the same. She also said there was a multi million pound nation wide police investigation on going because of it. They stage an accident (slap on in front of someone) when the poor bugger tups them up the arse. The lone driver exchanges details. Then shortly after you get a letter with four or five of them claiming injuries and loss of earnings Etc. It happened to me a few years ago so i have first hand knowledge of this. Started with the slap on and tup. Then a couple of his mates arrived saying i was at fault because i was driving to fast trying to intimidate. I called the police out and he eventually got done in court. This after my insurance company got a bill from a Paki garage in Manchester for £1300.00 for recovering the car which had little damage. Which he had driven away in complete with his two mates. Witnessed by the copper. Then a claim for £110,000.00 for the two occupants when there was only one in the car. To top it off after many months waiting for the guy to come to court, it was not the bloke who i had hit that appeared in court. He was a bloke with the same name same address, but not the bloke i hit unless he had lost ten inches in height with worry. A taxi driver with a family who claimed he would lose his income if banned, so they went easy on him. Told the police and they just said don't say anything at least we have a conviction against his name. You really could not make it up. These bastards get away with everything. So that is why you pay so much and the reason everyone else does.
Just to add a little detail, the guy who appeared in court who was not the bloke i hit, had same name but different address on his licence. When asked about this he said it was his address at the time of licence issue but he now lived at the address on the court papers given by the bloke i hit. So he had obviously been paid to take the points in the stead of the real culprit. They let him get away with this and the bloke who was driving got off scott free. To do the same again no doubt. Also my insurance premium went up £250.00 the year after although i did not lose no claims because it was protected. After two years waiting for the case to come to court my insurance company removed the accident from my records. I then asked if they would be refunding the extra premium they had charged because of the claim. They said they would look into it but never did. The company was SAGA, when i first insured with them the premium was £320.00 the last quote i got from them for renewal a year after the court case was close to £800.00. So i moved to LV.
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And as usual, it's the law abiding person who takes the finincial hit. I have 3 cars, all insured, collective annual cost of 3 policies is something like £1100. Should I not insure one and get caught it would cost me £1000 in fines plus points on my otherwise clean license. They can trace me because the cars are registered, and fine me the max because they know I have the means to pay. However, lowlifes will buy an old banger, giving a false address, so the car is then essentially unregistered. Don't have any insurance, and probably no driving license, all ANPR cameras will trigger but send fines to the false address. If caught by police (alerted to a manually operated ANPR) or an accident etc, they'd get a £200 fine and most probably let off the other offences such as no MOT, no license etc. My local paper has a weekly court round up which lists offences and fines. Those who obviously have cheated the system purposly tend to get low fines and let off the other offences as the court know a heavy fine won't get paid, while the respected businessman living in his 4 bed house who forget to renew his insurance gets slammed. And the 17 year old lowlife who just walked out of court most probably drives off as he doesn't give a toss. :mad::mad::mad:
To bloody right it's about time these tossers were given hard labour and there wage was put towards compensation of loss suffered by their victims. Pay them £20.00 a week and they are in jail on hard labour until the correct amount is reached. None of this pool table in the recreation area, tele and Xbox in the cell crap. If they are bag heads cold turkey them, sod their human rights. If they offend against society their rights should be suspended until they have paid recompence. For anti social yobbos bring back the birch and have public floggings in the market square every Saturday afternoon. Lets see how many re-offend after a few public humiliations. If they are Muslim only feed them bacon butties if the don't eat they starve.
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Sage have been taken over and my premiums went up by about 50% so I changed to RIAS another over 50s insurer. The reason given by Saga for the hike in premiums was partly your paki experience and partly what AlanC has posted about scroats not insuring their cars AND GETTING AWAY WITH IT!!!. Where are the police????
Alan is absolutely right, except you don't have to be a respected businessman living an his 4 bedroomed house, as long as you are an honest citizen who pays his way it does't matter where you live. I live in a sheltered 1 bedroom bungalow but I would suffer exactly the same disproportionate punishment. But a scroat (if caught) would virtually get away with it. I agree with wammers last post, especially the bit about bring back the birch.
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I have been using Admiral multi car policy for the past couple of years. This year I went up to 3 cars and the total cost is roughly £1200. On a pro rata basis it doesn't look like my insurance went up very much. My only gripe is that they only allow you to use one NCB per car so even if you have 10 years NCB, once you buy a second car it starts at zero. It would be better if the NCB was with driver and not the car afterall you can only drive one at a time.
But with Admiral if you have different drivers they each earn and keep their own ncb, so it can work well if , for example , you are insuring your kids in their own cars - the volume discount effectively gets split between the two.
With admiral its worth checking their multicar against insuring seperately. Recently got a renewal quote for my 3 car policy. ran them all seperately through a price comparison site and admiral came out cheapest for all but the total came to 150 less than the multicar. Rang them up to explain this and they instantly matched the lower price.
worth 10 mins on the interweb to check.
Good advice - I`m just thinking about adding a third car to the multicar that currently has just the kids cars on it, and its a completely different proposition adding a classic car with limited mileage (renewal separately quoted £270) to a couple of hatchbacks where the 17 year old comes in at £975 and the 21 year old at £750. You can tell how long I`d been looking, I thought that was a good deal and didn`t bat an eyelid !
talking of insurance going up and the reasons for it, partly it's the gangs running the third party injury scam, partly the uninsured scumbags and the third reason is the personal injury lawyers banging claims in for people for 'whiplash' at £4000 a pop......

do you want to know the insurance industries dirty little secret?

the bastards sell lists of people who have made claims to the personal injury lawyers who then pester people into making claims even if there is no injury:rolleyes:. jack straw was on radio lancashire this morning. ranting about it. it only became common knowledge because a bloke from preston challenged one of the injury companies over where they got their information.
Wammers has my complete sympathy!
I was driving a defender, towing a trailer with an old series 2 on the back right through the middle of London (yes, sounds foolish, but needs must!). I have a fair bit of experience of towing large loads and driving big vehicles and was obviously being very careful. You can imagine my surprise when a mercedes estate started flashing me to pull over, which I did. A pakistani (gentleman!) claimed I had changed lanes (which I hadn't) and struck his car and he wanted my insurance details. I looked at his car and said "wheres the damage then?" as there was litterally not a mark on it so he started rubbing his neck!
As luck would have it a skip truck pulled up behind and Giant Haystacks jumps out waving his arms about shouting at the Pakistani. It turns out the same man had tried it on with him!!! Cheeky barstard!
At this point I also suffered complete sense of humour failure and was overcome with the dreaded red mist! As anyone who knows me will attest I very rarely lose my temper, so when I do the results are usually quite spectacular and that day was no exception.
Haystacks turned into the barrier between Mr Pakistani and a hospital appointment!
I think he should try Top Gears track because the way the bugger drove off up the road he would have beaten the stig!!
The buggers are out there so be warned!!
I guess if the premium is based on postcode or your age/record there is little that can be done to reduce the cost, other than visiting the comparison sites & trying your luck. In my own experience some insurers will offer to match a lower premium if you tell them that you've had a better offer, not only is there is no such thing as customer loyalty these days the whole industry has become a racket. We live in rural Essex & are both over 50 (well over in my case!) have full ncb & pay £130 on a classic policy for my '87 RRC with a of max 3k pa & agreed value. Our 2 ltre. eurobox, inc. business use for my partner, is under £300.
its not just on post code, my 2.5 dse is insured for around £170 a year and a little bit more for breakdown included around £210) a deposit of £50 odd and then x10 monthly payments= penuts

but thats as a 2nd car via lancaster land rover specialist policy, as i also own and insure another, if i didnt have that other car and putting quotes through on all the comparison sites it was 3x the amount

i have only had my licence it will be 3 years in march 2012, and my 1st year on thius policy is up in december so im hoping for an even better price for next year
its not just on post code, my 2.5 dse is insured for around £170 a year and a little bit more for breakdown included around £210) a deposit of £50 odd and then x10 monthly payments= penuts

but thats as a 2nd car via lancaster land rover specialist policy, as i also own and insure another, if i didnt have that other car and putting quotes through on all the comparison sites it was 3x the amount

i have only had my licence it will be 3 years in march 2012, and my 1st year on thius policy is up in december so im hoping for an even better price for next year

You're a lucky lad then. You obviously don't have a lot of the crash for cash brigade living where you are. But anywhere that they do live in numbers the insurance is through the roof. Son in law a few years ago was driving his works van down a narrow street. One of our crash for cash mates opened his drivers door as he was passing. It was impossible for him to miss it. Soon street was full of them all claiming he was going to fast Etc Etc. Only one person in car at the time. Five whiplash claims paid. These people know how to work the system and bring their corrupt society with them when they come.
tbh i dont think there is around here in my imidiate local area

anyone tried to scam me and blatantly cause an accident id go fooking mad and probably wind up on an assult charge too

saying that- was driving my 1985 xr3 classic car the other night took my boss out for a quick spin and a mate in the back.... drivign along through a very busy city center, parking lanes/layby to either side of the road, a lot of pedestrians about,busses, taxis etc, so driving along about 25mph behind a car, he indicates right, and pulls across in to the parking spaces/lane on the other side of the road and i continue, without any warning or indicating hes increased speed and pulled back out left in to and across the road to do like a very very fast U turn and come head on in to me :eek: , a parked car on the left just ahead of me, i had no time to break or he would of smashed straight in to the front of me no question or i couldnt pull in or id of smasheds in to the parked car, i dont know how i did it but the 2 lads in my car **** themselves and screamed out ...i knocked it in to 1st gear and somehow jinked in to the lane behind the parked car back out missing it by cm`s , and also the other car as it went past me in my lane :eek: and sped off , and back out in to the road, how i never hit either car or both i do not know, if that car had hit me head on like that in my lane, i think i would of dragged him out of it lost control of myself and beat him half to death right there, scary
I nearly T-Boned a yaris yesterday, the ****wit saw me approaching the junction (my right of way) and proceeded to drive out as I went through

I had to brake and honk at the little ****wit who proceeded to swear at me, so as the series is now nearly ready and it's custom bullbar (battering ram) is about done I'll not be stopping so readily next right of way therefore my win and his loss, back end of a yaris isn't going to stand up to a custom winch bullbar thing (plus it's not like a series will stop when you tell it to) I've seen an Audi Q7 rip a corsa in half after hitting it at 30mph so a 109 with big bullbar at 15 should leave a decent dent
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