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Been reading one of the monthly's and there was a piece on landy owners going mad over countryfile showing how easy it is to steal a landy so I thought I'd do a comparison insurance quote of with and without a tracker fitted. There was no difference in the insurance premium on many sites between the two quotes so it seems that fitting a tracker can be a waste of money other than helping the cops knick the thieving gits that is.
If I'm going to ber paying the extras to get a tracker fitted I want a bit of a discount because the insurance will have to pay out far more on a theft of claim than any discount offered for fitting so they save money. Also the tracker can get the landy back and even nick the scroats if all goes well.
They seemed to have stopped giving discounts for security.
In the past i use to get a discount for having a CAT 1 alarm and immobilizer. OK i had to send a copy of the installation certificate to them but i did save a few quid. Now their happy if you just have something fitted
If I'm going to ber paying the extras to get a tracker fitted I want a bit of a discount because the insurance will have to pay out far more on a theft of claim than any discount offered for fitting so they save money. Also the tracker can get the landy back and even nick the scroats if all goes well.
Trackers aren't the wonder device they once were alas...
Just renewed the insurance on the 110 and was contemplating fitting a Thatcham Category 1 immobiliser / alarm to it for my own piece of mind as I didn't get too bad a quote off one company. However putting in a Cat1 made no difference to "no security" so it's something I may do later but not for the moment.

Maybe it's the postcode I was looking at but I do seem to remember when I had just passed my test that one insurance company (Norwich Union?) would only insure me on our Shogun if it had a Cat1. Nice that they come of the production line with them then...
I have the CAT 1 alarm and immobilizer fitted, Mostly for peace of mind and because i have tools in it . My tool cover policy insists that i have a cat 1 alarm fitted.

My Citroen C1 never had anything fitted to it as standard when i bought it new. So i had the same alarm and immobilizer fitted by the same company that did my landy. There wasn't any discount on that policy either which i found bloody strange
Trackers can be brilliant tools. They have to be running the right sort of system. It is not a sttraightforward system and anyone who says they do not do what they should is talking **** and has no idea of what they speak.

Insurance companies do not offer discounts for using a tracking system. There are a number of reasons but the main one is that despite saving the insurance comapany money - any saving on payout is to be retained by the insurance company. If your motivation in fitting a tracker is to get a reduction on your premium then you are flogging a dead horse.

The fact is this... decent tracking systems work. No ifs or buts... they simply work. Like anything else though... once trackers became common place the chinese got in on the action and started to sell trackers that are below standard and can be foiled easily.

From a personal perspective (and I accept that I have a vested interest)... if you spend thousands on a landy and then complain about a couple of hundred quid on security, your priorities might need a little attention. With the frequency that landys go missing tracking them seems like a sensible option. However... people say "TRACKING" and immediately assume that this means finding the vehicle once stolen and ignore all the other possible functions that are available... all of which contribute to catching the thieving scumbags or getting the vehicle back.

Trackers are the single, most effective, general use anti theft device ever created. They do rely on sensible implementation though.

Finished ranting...
tracker block £35pound ebay alarm battery in your pocket 12 v good tool
as most trackers work on gps make sure you get all the info

i work for a company who use trackers in our cars the blocker where used in one car and blocked cars parked round it as well
be safe
Hi folks,
I'm back after a little while away, like 5 years. No not prison but no landy to own made me depressed to continue reading. Anyway, I just done a comparison on Admiral insurance( the first in the start page search engine) and the price for a landy 110 with tracker and immobiliser £622. Without any security.... £622.
Seems that even after 5 years the insurance companies still don't give discounts, lol.

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