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Hi folks. New to the forum.
I have a Freelander 2 at present after four Defenders. Latest, a 2012 was stolen recently from Lincolnshire. Not sure I can face the stress of owning another.
A question, I am in dispute with Direct Line at present over the valuation. They have made a final payment and now say my only recourse is the Financial Ombudsman.
Sadly the payment is nowhere near enough for me to replace my old Defender (a 2.2 TDci Utility XS). Direct Line said they based their valuation on CAP and Glasses Guide, and market prices were not relevant. My argument is that the wording in their policy says "market value" when a vehicle is stolen, not trade guides.
We are thousands of pounds apart in our figures. Mine is based on cars for sale (how else would I replace it?) not trade values which I don't have access to.
I wonder has anyone else had this issue where the insurance company has made its final payment and refuses to look again, and has anyone had any success with the Financial Ombudsman in these cases?
Any help would be great as sadly at present I can't replace my Defender as the payout simply won't enable me to buy one.
Many thanks
Can you present several completed sales from ebay or similar of comparable vehicles of the same age/spec/milage to display to them what's required in terms of a payout? If you can that can also be presented to the ombudsman-they are not something to be feared.
Don't ever bother going to ombudsman, they are funded by those companies and often side with them in the end. I know this with bitter experience. Small claims court is you're best option .. Have lots of evidence to back up you're claim and they may even fold before court date.
I have read quite a bit recently that cap and glass guide are not keeping up with the ever increasing prices of used cars, and this was from the people selling them.
Can you present several completed sales from ebay or similar of comparable vehicles of the same age/spec/milage to display to them what's required in terms of a payout? If you can that can also be presented to the ombudsman-they are not something to be feared.
+1 on this. completed sales on eBay was what we had to use in the past to prove actual value of a car, in our case a write off.

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