Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!


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I decided it would be a nice idea to buy a small, cheap diesel runabout so that when I need to work on the Rangie or go get spares etc I could be independent. Okay, called various insurance agents, looked at internet quotes and so on :eek:. The prices would make your hair curl. With all the different companies out there you would this the competition would keep the prices down a bit, but no, they must be running a cartel :mad:.
My requirements are insurance (third party only or anything cheaper) on a Peugeot 106 xrd, M reg. 3000 miles a year, me only driving. No claims or convictions or any other impediments. AND I can only drive one at a time!!
Anyone got any ideas on getting second car insurance at a reasonable price?
I decided it would be a nice idea to buy a small, cheap diesel runabout so that when I need to work on the Rangie or go get spares etc I could be independent. Okay, called various insurance agents, looked at internet quotes and so on :eek:. The prices would make your hair curl. With all the different companies out there you would this the competition would keep the prices down a bit, but no, they must be running a cartel :mad:.
My requirements are insurance (third party only or anything cheaper) on a Peugeot 106 xrd, M reg. 3000 miles a year, me only driving. No claims or convictions or any other impediments. AND I can only drive one at a time!!
Anyone got any ideas on getting second car insurance at a reasonable price?

You can only use your no claims discount on one vehicle so you will have to start from scratch on a second one unfortunately. There are policies out there that will cover you for two vehicles but you need to search for them ... they generally don't work out much cheaper and it won't be with a specialist Landy insurer. Worth asking the company that insure your Rangie though. :rolleyes:
I'm with Adrian Flux, fully comp on my BMW and they insure the Range Rover Classic (V8) for an extra £220 TPFT, matching my NCB to that policy. 3,000 miles p.a. is the only restriction. Same price for a P38, incidentally.
just whack it all on a multi car from any of the major insureres. Direct line 'direct' is cheaper than the comparison sites, but unless you are 18, you can be paying more than 150 fully comp on that **** box surely?
Cheapest quote on the pug was £254, and that was Adrian Flux. I have my P38 insured with RIAS as I am over 50 but I do have 9 years NCB. I reckon they think of a number and double it. I think the company I am with thro' RIAS is part of the Direst Line group so maybe I will give them a call.
I've had multi car insurance for the last 15 years, first with Frizzell, now LV and recently with Admiral.

I have protected NCB on both cars fully comp. The cost for my DSE and a Panda multijet on a 58 plate, comes to £480 a year.
I have three cars with Admiral and so far its worked out well - it made insuring my 17 year old daughter just about bearable (£975 in a Hyundai i10), reduced my 21 year old son`s insurance ( £750 in a 1.2 clio ) and brought the Defender in at £297 ( £25 less than I paid with NFU last year, and £250 less than they wanted this year) .
Got to be worth a try I would have thought.
Go online and get a single vehicle quote from Admiral
Then get one from Diamond quoting the Admiral one as your best so far
Then get one from Elephant quoting the Diamond one as your best so far
Then get one from Bell quoting the Elephant one as your best so far
Then go back to Admiral quoting the Bell one as your best so far

It's not as difficult as it sounds as they all use the same form with different coloured backgrounds because they're all the same company but they'll quote against each other!

I saved over £540 last year starting with an Admiral quote and ending up getting insured with them but by doing this, then phoning Admiral and telling them what I'd done. I then complained bitterly about their original quote, which got me another £50 knocked off.

Keep going until you're bored.
I got a quote aged 20 1 year ncb for a 3.9 RRC and a Sierra XR4i for £1800 from admiral.

I called adrian flux and they can beat the RRC quote but not the whole shebang, because I'd be on a NNCB policy with tne XR4.
dont complain, my insurance on my l322 cost me 3 Grand 2 weeks ago ! :D:D:D

adrian flux was the cheapest, and quite a good service with them.
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Find a local insurance broker and do it the old fashioned way. ask a real human being to sort you out a quote for a second car. There are companies out there who will take your driving record into account and give you discounts on your second policy until you've earned your full 2nd no claims.
Or get yourself a 'classic' car (20+ years old) and insure in on classic car insurance.
My L322 TD6 is £298 this year. My 25 year old Sierra Cosworth - £158! Can't say fairer than that.
think about motor trade insurance! im allowed 3 personal cars they accept my no claims discount and its not much more than normal insurance on my p38
plus you can drive ANY car fully covered
just tell them your a part time macanic/car sales as a hobby and your main income is your job,
if you drive a randrover your not even lying lol
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think about motor trade insurance! im allowed 3 personal cars they accept my no claims discount and its not much more than normal insurance on my p38
plus you can drive ANY car fully covered
just tell them your a part time macanic/car sales as a hobby and your main income is your job,
if you drive a randrover your not even lying lol

if you do this you loss your no claims after 2-3 years. I know it sounds stupid and you would think it would stand for more not less, being able to drive any car and still not having a claim. I guess its just another way to rob ya.

also even tho you can drive anything you have to call them every time you have a different car or it flash up on the police cars to say its not insured and you get pulled all the time :doh:
if you do this you loss your no claims after 2-3 years. I know it sounds stupid and you would think it would stand for more not less, being able to drive any car and still not having a claim. I guess its just another way to rob ya.

also even tho you can drive anything you have to call them every time you have a different car or it flash up on the police cars to say its not insured and you get pulled all the time :doh:
i drive "uninsured" cars regualy just keep a photo copy of my policy in my wallet for when i get stoped, and it happens less often than you would think:eek:
then the old bill just check on there computer
but mostly i did it to insure 3 cars for under £500 and none of them are what you would call slow
4.6 p38
2.5 mondeo st24
2.0 golf
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I would second trade insurance, I'm allowed as many car's as I like personal use just not motor homes or left hookers (tho I can drive them for trade use)

I have to trade 6 cars a year that's it, cost's me same price for trade as it did just 1 car a few years ago

currently living in liverpool, with 2 cars (P38 and people carrier) insured for less than £50 a month
I would second trade insurance, I'm allowed as many car's as I like personal use just not motor homes or left hookers (tho I can drive them for trade use)

I have to trade 6 cars a year that's it, cost's me same price for trade as it did just 1 car a few years ago

currently living in liverpool, with 2 cars (P38 and people carrier) insured for less than £50 a month

What company is that with, Luke?

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