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Guys, recently had my land rover stolen and have replaced it with another...!!! The last one didn't have an alarm or any form of security (I live in middle of nowhere in Scotland and theft not a big issue) however, it was taken from Humberside airport (secure car park would you believe!!) by a gang that have since been apprehended - that were targeting desirable cars and metal, been doing the whole country apparently!.

Anyway, reason for the post is as you can imagine I'm a little bit more security consious nowadays and have a pedal cover ('ardcase) and my defender is fitted with the original factory fitted alarm. When it came to insure it I was asked if it was Thatcham approved by Direct Line - my current insurers, to which I replied ''I don't know...'' I then paid a company to check it out and it works fine and was factory fitted but is not on the Thatcham list....!! Consquently Direct Line won't insure me for theft. My insurance is now up for renewal, I don't want to fork out for another alarm since this one is perfectly good - can anyone suggest an insurer who doesn't insist on a Thatcham approved alarm? Or any other ideas??

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