Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!


New Member
Just thought I should post this, guessing most people will realise this but insurance for young driver is expensive (im 17), Anyway i got a really good deal.
I have a 1974 Series 3 2.25 petrol, insured it with Footman James for 1400 quid! thats in my own name, third party fire and theft, with no extra drivers. It's still expensive compare to those over 25yrs but i have friends driving corsa's paying almost twice that.

The policy is limited to 6000 miles, but im not going do that much just running around the local area and im not sure how accurate my odo is anyway.

Hope that helps someone- any questions give me a shout
Just make sure that it isn't a 'classic' policy (shouldn't be at that price!)...cos you dont accrue no claims bonus/discount on a classic policy.
thats interesting, and a bit of a con, they didn't mention anything will double check tomorrow, thanks

Try ringing Dan Cameron at A-Plan Schemes dept, Tel 0845-0711234 (charged at local rates) or 01635 -879910.

Tell him that you are on the Landyzone and give him your username (tell him ratty gave you his details if you like) and see what he can do for you.;)
Interesting stuff, my mate tried Footman James and they wouldn't insure him due to age apparently (he's 22)

Although he does live in a high risk postcode area

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