Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!


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I just phoned my insurance company to tell them about my conversion to a 200tdi. They said they wouldn't insure me as I've done the work myself! :(

Given the amount of people that have done this conversion - surely there are plenty of sympathetic insurers out there???

Bit miffed at the moment.

did you point out that it is a std landrover engine and no structural modifications were made??

Fook em and find someone else to insure ya. Just make sure that they don't try to charge you for cancelling. As they can't charge you for their administrative costs if they cancel
Could you not get them to accept some sort of certification/inspection by a garage or independant specialist?, then get one of our Mods to fake something for a pint:)

Failing that, go and park it through the wall of their offices and see if they would like to inspect the installation themselves.:D

Failing that, just kill the f*uckers:mad:
Defo go with Adrian flux . Im with them , and when mentioned about the conversion to a disco 200 they said yeah no probs we have a lot of older landrover owners that have done that .

Who are you with anyway - name and shame so we know who to avoid lol :)
I just phoned my insurance company to tell them about my conversion to a 200tdi. They said they wouldn't insure me as I've done the work myself! :(

Given the amount of people that have done this conversion - surely there are plenty of sympathetic insurers out there???

Bit miffed at the moment.


you ****ed up change it on v5 and say nowt
you ****ed up change it on v5 and say nowt

Although the insurer can pull all the details from the v5, its also good practice to mention it to them as well. Then if you are in an accident you know you are fully covered. Im with the NFU and when I informed them about my change, they asked whether it had been done by a garage, although didnt ask for proof ;)

If you are finding it hard to get insured, im sure you could find a friendly garage to simply write you an invoice for the "conversion" for the price of a few beers :beer2:

I spoke to Adrian Flux - they offered me a reasonable quote (although still nearly twice what I was paying for a "standard" 2.5TD!) and didn't want any further information.

I think I'd rather my insurer knows the engine isn't standard - any excuse they can find to not pay out, and they'll use it. :mad:

I spoke to Adrian Flux - they offered me a reasonable quote (although still nearly twice what I was paying for a "standard" 2.5TD!) and didn't want any further information.

I think I'd rather my insurer knows the engine isn't standard - any excuse they can find to not pay out, and they'll use it. :mad:


Thats a bit dear, I didnt have any change in price for mine :)


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