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Well-Known Member
can somone explain to me how on earth this works???

Been looking at it over the last few months since I found this page.
Post Code ratings for Car Insurance

now, this is also presuming these are fairly accurate.

using this page

Crime maps for Burmantofts & Richmond Hill |

Ive been looking at vehicle crime rates across leeds for the last few months, and tbh, they bear no resemblance to the rating given by insurers.

the most recent figures are for May, but have looked back on those that seem "out of band"

ok, the only "A" rated are has had zero vehicle crime (average of 1.5 this year) , and B only 2 (ave 5.2 this year)
but for others,
C has areas from 0 - 3
D is zero (average of 2 a month since start of 2013, only one area)
E 2-38??? similar over previous months
F, 9-85!!!!

unless the band on the website are completely ficticious, they seem to be just about plucked out of thin air, I must say, when I looked on there, I was suprised to see my area so high.

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