
New Member
If I'm going to build a pit in my garage what would anyone suggest the ideal dimensions should be for working on a 110?
Depends how tall you are I suppose .

But seriously mines a meter wide and shoulder height deep. But is also long enough to have it open at both ends of the car.

Make it deeper than you think if it turns out too deep it’s easier to raise, and run a pipe so you can run leccy in

Make it as wide as possible, nowt worse that standng on steps bending over the edge of the pit to reach something on the car.
Measure the inside tyre track on the smallest car you have and make the pit that wide.
When I made mine I used the ramp at work for measurements....

Make it deeper than what you would need to work on a day you'll wish you did.
I have a couple of concrete blocks and a scaffold batten in mine that I use for 4x4 fixing. Make it as long as possible.

Depending on space...I know a guy that built a T shaped pit. At the top of the T were steps to get in/out but the reason was drive the car until
the wheels were on top of the T raise car on jacking beam ...remove the wheels....stand on the steps at the right height to work on brakes / suspension
Just don't make it wider than the car wheelbase, can tell you what happens when you drive a vehicle over a railway inspection pit to carry out work as I saw someone do it once, and it was once, the mobile traverser was needed to lift the car back out the pit:p
Each pit wall really needs angle iron set into it, then you have a piece of 3 or 4inch box section for a jack to sit on.
The angle iron also means you can have neat cut planks to cover the pit up when not being used.
I was going to use this video as a guide to make one. The only difference is mine will be longer so that I can factor in 3 steps down.
for hire:D

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