
Well-Known Member
In my ever need to embrace my 19J now that the money for a 200TDi has gone out the window, i'm working on getting her engine up n running nice n sweet.

Last week i ran with some Veg oil with a 70/30 mix and she ran fine but was an absolute bitch to start and in my investigations to source the problem i noticed one of the injectors was ' leaking ' fuel mixture down the side of the engine. Removing the injector to ' have a look ' i noticed a build up of black ' crap' around the end.

Replacing it back in the engine, i then changed the fuel filter and checked the pump when bleeding the system, all seemed to be oki.

Swapping back to diesel only ( i was a little dubious of running veg oil again for the time being until a pump and injectors were replaced ) she now idles abit odd, as in miss's every 4th stroke with a puff of smoke from her in the cycle.

Reading up abit it seems the injectors need to be set at the correct height to work efficiently and im also sure i've set the one i took out, incorrectly.

I'm about to order a full replacement set of injectors and a fuel lift pump, question is, how do i set the new injectors up properly?


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