
New Member
i posted earlier today about a 200tdi reving up on start up.

the engine had been stood on a pallet for two years. the injector pump had become damp from moisture in the air and is very sensative to corrosion, something must be stuck...

we put it in, plumbed it up and started it only for it to immediatly "red line" so we shut it off and had a think...

Check the intercooler pipework for excess oil... if there is then this information will be no help.

we concluded that the issue was excess fuel by the vast amount of black smoke being thrown out.

The Solution

  • remove fuel line banjo's and vacume banjo's from the injector pump houseing.
  • remove throttle cable
  • on the throttle lever ther is a 10mm nut with a "grub screw" in the middle of it, useing a paint pen/marker mark the position of this grub screw and how it coresponds to the marked increments on the throttle lever, undo the nut and remove the lever from the splines on the shaft.
  • now remove the two long bolts limmeting the throttle levers travel.
  • on the back of the housing you will see a screw that looks like a mixture screw... this is held in with a 13mm lock nut, remove this with a 13mm deep reach socket but DO NOT re-tighten it with a socket, use a screwdriver! this screw should have a O ring half way down a diesel should leak out when it is removed.
  • on the top of the pump there is a dome shaped caseing containing the boost compensator diaphram held on by 4 flat head screws, carefully remove the screws as there is a slight pre-load from a spring below.
  • remove the cover, and be very careful not to move the rubber diaphram. find you paint marker and carefully mark the position of this so that it goes back at exactly the same location and rotation it went in
  • clean the diaphram and plunger
  • with pliers gentaly turn the throtle shaft and you will see a pin fire out into where you have just taken the diaphram out of make sure the pin is very clean and free moving.
  • now back to the main cover plate on each corner you will now be abole to access the 4, 5mm allen head bolts holding the plate on, carefully undo these and you will see diesel leaking from under the cover.
  • to remove the cover you will need to gentaly but firmly push the throttle shaft down as you move the caseing up WARNING do not allow dirt to fall inside! WARNING there is a thin black coloured washer that sits on the throttle shaft below the o ring, it may be pulled off as you remove the shaft, be mindfull and do not loose it.
  • now you will see the throttle shaft on a pivot attached to a rod with lots of springs and washers, this rod can be removed by turning 90 degrees to the left and gentaly lifting it out of its slit in the lever it connects to.
  • remember which way it went in.
  • now towards the pully end of the pump you see a shaft with a gear then a disk anout 12/13mm thick and then 4 fingers that come out of the disk and onto the shaft
  • these fingers are centrafugal weights that are thrown out from the shaft when the engine is spinning on tick over and the shaft should move inside these finger weights, when the shaft is pushed back towards the pully end by the throttle the revs are increased, then for the revs to return to tickover the weights are thrown out pushing the shaft away from the pully end
  • these weights and shaft are conneted and do not come appart but should spin and the extreamity of the weights should move away from the shaft a few millimeters.
  • free the weights off as if they a everso slightly corroded to the shaft they will be causing you 200tdi to rev like crazy and the source of your problem
  • be sure that everything is clean and re assemble
  • when you reassemble the boost compensator just double check that the pin still mooves in and out well
  • turn the key
  • do a victory dance
  • retire to the pub

I hope this has helped as it took us two weeks to get this sussed for ours, and we forund no information on it anyware. all the brest :rolleyes:


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