Big Mat

Well-Known Member
Evening all,

Which way is it that i turn the injector pump to reduce the amount of black smoke?

I've tried looking online but couldnt find anything!

On acceleration, its a recon injector pump i put on friday to solve some other problems.

Took it for a run this afternoon, went fine getting there, plenty of acceleration but black/grey smoke. On the way home theres acceleration in 4th but no great power.
On acceleration, its a recon injector pump i put on friday to solve some other problems.

Took it for a run this afternoon, went fine getting there, plenty of acceleration but black/grey smoke. On the way home theres acceleration in 4th but no great power.
Any timing marks or pointers on the pump flange or engine?
Take it this is 2.25 diesel?
There should be a rotation arrow somewhere on the pump body. Try slacking the clamp an pipes, turn a fraction in the direction of the arrow, restart and test. If it doent help, repeat the other way. With no marks, and with a worn pump that may have been recond several times already, and probably a worn pump drive anorl, your best bet is just trial and error. Keep the movements small and take care not to break a hgh pressure pipe.
I would make a couple of marks wit a small punch or the like and use them for reference! And when you have timed it to your liking make marks so you can retime if you take it off again. Sorry not to be more exact its a few years since ive had a series, if you cant get a result by trial and error I will dig out a DPA pump manual and check it out. I did my 90 pump by trial and error on the final timing after I fitted a recon pump and it is fine, doesnt smoke at all!
Its a recon pump hence why i want to get it right!

I'll give that a go in the morning, are we talking 1mm at a time sort of movement?
Its a recon pump hence why i want to get it right!

I'll give that a go in the morning, are we talking 1mm at a time sort of movement?
I think that would be fine, youll soon get a feel for it. The old perkins etc engined tracs have DPA pumps and I fine adjust them by ear, mate works at ag. machinery place and they do the same wit older stuff. Main thing to get the best life out of your pump is to be really careful about fuel filtration and water traps. These pumps run for ever if the fuel is perfectly clean, grit and water kills em quicksmart tho. Well worth changing you fuel filt. and cleaning out any traps or sedimenters when you fit a pump. Best of luck, keep us posted.
I've tried moving it in both directions.

In one place it started off with very little smoke, but then it just started billowing out again.

It is white smoke, no matter where the pump is positioned.

It also seems to have no power at all when i try and move it up and down the drive.
Evening all,

Which way is it that i turn the injector pump to reduce the amount of black smoke?

I've tried looking online but couldnt find anything!

black smoke isnt reduced by altering fuel timing,injectors or air shortage,adjusting pump opposite to arrow direction advances pump ,with arrow retards pump a retarded pump will often give white smoke
black smoke isnt reduced by altering fuel timing,injectors or air shortage,adjusting pump opposite to arrow direction advances pump ,with arrow retards pump a retarded pump will often give white smoke

I presume you mean the arrow on the label on the pump?

I've got the pump as far as possible advanced but the white smoke still persists.
I presume you mean the arrow on the label on the pump?

I've got the pump as far as possible advanced but the white smoke still persists.
yes , cam timing will be retartded advancing pump wont help that ,cam timing is critical on those engines,white smoke is unburnt fuel ,can be a dodgy injector but engine would sound like its running on 3
It definatly sounds like it is running on all four.

Is there something you suggest i look at next? I'm not clued up on cam timing so where would i start?
but it back to where it was with black smoke then get injectors checked ,to check cam timing youd need to remove fly wheel housing cover and set flywheel at ep andcheck no 1 exhaust valve was fully open ,best with dti on valve and mark flywheel before fully open and at same position on dti just after ep should be half way between the 2 m,arks
I've tried moving it in both directions.

In one place it started off with very little smoke, but then it just started billowing out again.

It is white smoke, no matter where the pump is positioned.

It also seems to have no power at all when i try and move it up and down the drive.
What I would expect to see with this type of engine is a bit of white smoke on startup, and a little stream of black smoke under hard acceleration. If youre getting a lot of smoke with warm engine and youve tried fine advance and retard adjustment I would wonder if the smoke is caused by burning oil?
Old diesels, especially worn ones, do tend to smoke a bit, wouldnt worry too much if yu can time it so it idles and revs smooth thruogh the rev range. Obviously if its an embaressment in public yo will have to do something!
I did put it back to where it was with black smoke before, but it wasnt smoking black anymore.

I shall have a look at the fly wheel
What I would expect to see with this type of engine is a bit of white smoke on startup, and a little stream of black smoke under hard acceleration. If youre getting a lot of smoke with warm engine and youve tried fine advance and retard adjustment I would wonder if the smoke is caused by burning oil?
Old diesels, especially worn ones, do tend to smoke a bit, wouldnt worry too much if yu can time it so it idles and revs smooth thruogh the rev range. Obviously if its an embaressment in public yo will have to do something!

I can't time it so that it idles and revs smooth.

The smoke could be described as very severe, acceleration causes a big cloud!
I did put it back to where it was with black smoke before, but it wasnt smoking black anymore.

I shall have a look at the fly wheel
its a shame you moved it ,a worn pump can give a retarded issue ,sometimes another pump will be better ,but to fix them permanently ive had to set cam timing ,get rid of play in skew gear under pump and fit reset pump and injectors ,oil would be blueish smoke
Its a recon pump so i wouldnt expect it to be worn?

This is turning out to be a bigger job than i was expecting!
its a shame you moved it ,a worn pump can give a retarded issue ,sometimes another pump will be better ,but to fix them permanently ive had to set cam timing ,get rid of play in skew gear under pump and fit reset pump and injectors ,oil would be blueish smoke
Agree that theyre very sensitve to cam timing, what do you think caused the cam timing to go out? Chain isues?
I commented earlier in the fred about wear in the pump drivetrain, seen that before. He said his IP has been recond, Ive seen some not so good recons anorl!

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