Is there anyone near Ipswich who would consider hiring me an injector puller for a Td5 engine for a couple of days? I would be ever so grateful ;)
I need to change them seal thingy's
Thanks Neilly, I had seen that tutorial, but you saying guys were doing it with a 5mm allen key made me think they can't be too hard to pull out. So with my sons help, and the wonderful workshops provided by HM's armed forces I gave it a go. Got the new seals and washers fitted in around 2 hours. The injectors popped out using 2 large screwdrivers without too much effort. Thanks for the link Mad Hat Man, but as you can see, in the end it was not necessary.


My landy went to meet some of her friends and was welcomed into the herd :)
Nice, I thought Her Majestys forces had a few TD5's did they not uave the pullers? Why did you change them? Was it running rough?

Nice, I thought Her Majestys forces had a few TD5's did they not uave the pullers? Why did you change them? Was it running rough?

As far as I know, no td5's In the army, or at least my son has never come across one, so no, no puller there.
A few days ago the fuel pump started making a dreadful noise. This was accompanied by awful to very awful starting. I would have bought a new fuel pump, but checking around the forums I found that this could be caused by air getting into the system. I found a few possible causes for this and injector seals were number 2 on the list (number 1 being fuel filter). So I changed the seals last night, and, (touch wood) all is as it should be. The four times I have started it this morning, it has started "on the button" :):):):)

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