
New Member
I have been on the saga for a little while now with my 2.0 Ingenium Discovery 5 ever since it started to develop an off fault just after start up a few months back

Long story short - from cold, it can take 3-4 seconds to crank and on the odd occasion (but too frequently), if you put the auto box into D or R too quickly without letting it idle for a few mins, the engine loses revs and stalls.

Been in and out of garage having various things checked. Done hours and hours of online research to find out just how bad the Ingenium engine is. Found out in the process that my 2017 Disco has a 2021 engine and tracked down that it had a brand new engine for LR main dealer in 2021!

So current engine has only done circa 45k miles and is starting to show symptoms of what I am being told is a terminal fault and will need a new engine at some point. I have resigned myself to this needing to happen -it's just a question of when. Got some quotes lined up with local LR specialists should the worst happen. A compression test yesterday showed what I feared:

Cylinder 1: 190 PSI
Cylinder 2: 220 PSI
Cylinder 3: 180 PSI
Cylinder 4: 225 PSI

Whilst I wait for the inevitable, I have been looking into various additives to see if they can at least even out the compression and buy some time.

The main one I have seen good reviews on is https://www.americantechnology.co.uk/400ml-ametech-restore-engine-restorer--lubricant-22-p.asp

However this is usually used in older high milage cars and I am worrying that the modern Ingenium will have tech specifications that means it is not compatible.

Anyone had similar issues or even had experience using Engine Restore as a product?

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