
Well-Known Member

Anyone planning a trip to North Wales might be better avoiding the weekend at the end of May.

See below

I have just had contact with a lady in Llangollen who is not connected to SOPS and is organising a sponsored walk around LLangollen on behalf of a cancer charity. Part of the route follows the unclassified road known locally as Stabl Pugh which also forms part of the North Berwyn Way regional trail. In undertaking her risk assessment she has identified the use of the route by recreational vehicles which can at times constitute fast moving motorbikes on a narrow lane with no verge, as there is no alternative footpath available she is concerned that she informs any persons she can that this event is happening and may lead to 400+ walkers over the weekend. We have advised she places boards along the route to advise road users of the event and these will be placed on Stabl Pugh as well.

We are holding a 35 mile sponsored walk of the Llangollen Round over the weekend of May 30th / 31st with possibly as many as 400 walkers, to raise money for Cancer Research UK.

I would also add that on the same weekend the National MTB Downhill Series will be held in Llangollen in the Pengwern Area and the course which will cross a public road will result in the road being subject to a temporary closure order for the weekend. On two previous occasions when this has happened a small number of both 4x4 and motorcycle users have ignored the legally binding closure notices, signs and diversion boards and not only used the closed route but have been aggressive and abusive to event Marshall's when asked to stop, even denying the existence of the traffic signs which were erected by council contractors.

Possibly to avoid any further repeat of this type of incident it may be helpful in the likelihood of events, in the Llangollen area, using unsurfaced highways might mean it better that these routes might be best avoided by anyone already planning to come to visit the area over that weekend and anyone else wishing to use them might wish to come another weekend. I will be able to provide better details of which roads will be involved and which routes will remain open shortly.

If you are able to circulate this date at the earliest opportunity through any contacts you have with online user communities I would be grateful.

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