Hi - I'm looking for a recommendation of an indie landy specialist in the Glastonbury area (as close to Street as possible) that can do a gearbox swap on my series 2. I've got the box but not got the time!
I’ve used Colin Whites for spares in the past. They used to have workshop facilities although I don’t know what they’re like. Might be worth asking who they can recommend.

You could contact Somerset and Wilts LRC for a recommendation.
I’ve used Colin Whites for spares in the past. They used to have workshop facilities although I don’t know what they’re like. Might be worth asking who they can recommend.

You could contact Somerset and Wilts LRC for a recommendation.

Cheers I will ask CWS, not had any luck on Somerset & Wilts FB, just someone insisting that my truck (that they know zero about would be fine doing a 50 mile trip).
Not sure what these guys are like...


Some years ago, there was a Landy specialist in Glastonbury based in Werial Business Park But I think they’ve since stopped trading. They were very near CWS.

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