
New Member
Does anyone knw if there are any greenlanes open in the West Yorkshire area. If so, are they any good and where are they? I don't really know the area very well not having lived here long, but the sooner I get out, the sooner I will learn!!!


(I did hear that many of them were closed/downgraded) :(
Lived here all my life and I don't know of many at all. There is one that runs from Ilkley over the moors towards Keighley which I have driven a few times. Only about a mile and not really that challenging apart from bits at the Ilkley end that are washed out. A nice gentle run though. There are a few lanes around Homfirth but I've never explored them, drop me a line if you fancy a run out one day!
aye get the OS map for the holmfirth area. plenty to explore there.
or join the local club.

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