
Hello. I've jumped the gun somewhat by creating two threads prior to my introducing myself but I was giddy with excitement (and self-loathing) just having bought a 1983 Series 3 van back Land Rover and wanted to make it driveable.

...turns out that there wasn't so much of a fault with it and it is actually supposed to be that terrible.

With a heavy heart I then discovered that all the liquid spraying out of the engine was in fact diesel rather than rain but some of the contributors on here have pointed me in the right direction and I have 4 new diesel injector pipes winging their way to me for the princely sum of £1.74 each. The only thing I need now is some pre-decimal tools and I should be able to get the right bit off and the new bit on. Although I doubt it and have pre-booked the little rascal into the local garage just in case.

This is motoring on a budget, this is exactly what this tight Yorkshire bloke needs.

So I'm Dan - I live in Leeds (Horsforth/Kirkstall way) and I am no longer young but not quite old yet (36 on Sunday) so I've entered into that strange part of life where I still listen to Radio 1 but prefer Radio 2.

I like the great outdoors, this country, sport and all things to do with Yorkshire. Sounds like an advert on a dating website.

If anybody lives locally and would like to show me where I can take my Landy off road without killing myself please drop me a line - I'd very much like to try going on an unsurfaced road just to feel more of a bloke, you know how it is. Think North Leeds area - I don't fancy taking it very far at the moment due to it being essentially a death trap/liability.

My own vehicle, whilst legal until November on the MOT, is terrible. I literally had no idea that a hill anything greater than, well, flat basically would cause the machine to slow to a standstill and necessitate first gear. I have no doubt that the Series 3 diesel can drive through a house but if you started on a Tuesday you'd probably only just be passed the coffee table in the front room by Wednesday week.

Thanks to all who helped me out with my diesel injector pipe malady.
Welcome to the group Dan, We all experience addiction in some areas of life and within this group we hope to help you deal with yours and assist you in becoming accepted member of society.
Or at least one that is frowned upon by the bobble fraternity.
Oh I've dreamed of owning a bobble hat. Sadly my days of cutting a rakish figure around town are probably over now so I daresay my yearning for a bobble hat will never be fulfilled.

(I am sure I'll understand what all these terms mean in time - are "bobbles" walkers perchance? "Archers" listeners, Liberal Democrats?)
Oh I've dreamed of owning a bobble hat. Sadly my days of cutting a rakish figure around town are probably over now so I daresay my yearning for a bobble hat will never be fulfilled.

(I am sure I'll understand what all these terms mean in time - are "bobbles" walkers perchance? "Archers" listeners, Liberal Democrats?)

It is the mark of a 'walker' those odd plastic covered know alls that frequent our promised lanes and lands.
Their aim to ridicule our pastime and throw scorn upon our passage across hills and mountains.
Hello. I've jumped the gun somewhat by creating two threads prior to my introducing myself but I was giddy with excitement (and self-loathing) just having bought a 1983 Series 3 van back Land Rover and wanted to make it driveable.

...turns out that there wasn't so much of a fault with it and it is actually supposed to be that terrible.

With a heavy heart I then discovered that all the liquid spraying out of the engine was in fact diesel rather than rain but some of the contributors on here have pointed me in the right direction and I have 4 new diesel injector pipes winging their way to me for the princely sum of £1.74 each. The only thing I need now is some pre-decimal tools and I should be able to get the right bit off and the new bit on. Although I doubt it and have pre-booked the little rascal into the local garage just in case.

This is motoring on a budget, this is exactly what this tight Yorkshire bloke needs.

So I'm Dan - I live in Leeds (Horsforth/Kirkstall way) and I am no longer young but not quite old yet (36 on Sunday) so I've entered into that strange part of life where I still listen to Radio 1 but prefer Radio 2.

I like the great outdoors, this country, sport and all things to do with Yorkshire. Sounds like an advert on a dating website.

If anybody lives locally and would like to show me where I can take my Landy off road without killing myself please drop me a line - I'd very much like to try going on an unsurfaced road just to feel more of a bloke, you know how it is. Think North Leeds area - I don't fancy taking it very far at the moment due to it being essentially a death trap/liability.

My own vehicle, whilst legal until November on the MOT, is terrible. I literally had no idea that a hill anything greater than, well, flat basically would cause the machine to slow to a standstill and necessitate first gear. I have no doubt that the Series 3 diesel can drive through a house but if you started on a Tuesday you'd probably only just be passed the coffee table in the front room by Wednesday week.

Thanks to all who helped me out with my diesel injector pipe malady.

:eek::eek: ther shall be no bloke feeling goin on around here i tell thee, unless of course you also own a gaylander, in which case i should imagine you toutch up blokes all the time

oh n :welcome::welcome: good to have you on board!:D
Reading about the speed of your Series Landy, I'm not sure this forum is the right place for tuned lumps. have you thought about maxpower.com?

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