
Need advice please, had no time to take part in forum lately sorry, been to busy taking to myself under the Landy. Progress on series 3 clean up has come quite away down the line now, chassis cleaned welded painted, all doors off in bits and back together just put new clutch in and can't quite believe this little plastic piece connecting the bearing on the shaft to the arm???? Is it correct or has this been dropped in through top of housings as make shift? I want to refit gear box but need guidence here, as this piece will jump out very easy when i move are back and fourth :-( thanks Roy


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All that stupid stape is there for is to hold things together during assembly - one of the dumber things I've ever seen in a car. It can and will fall out once you actually drive it - that's fine as the bearing is then captive between the arm and the clutch plate.

You're all set - don't worry sbout it.


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