
New Member
Having a problem which i am told is a sticking solenoid on the immobilser .... how simple is it to remove the immobiliser?
R plate 300tdi or how much to replace?
Having a problem which i am told is a sticking solenoid on the immobilser .... how simple is it to remove the immobiliser?
R plate 300tdi or how much to replace?
Dry joints on the relays in the immobiliser box is a common issue but fairly simple to fix. Fixing is better than bypassing as it leaves you with a working alarm/immobiliser that may just save it getting nicked. If you are semi competent with a soldering iron and spanners it is probably an hour job.
Remove the immobiliser box from the battery box, drill/grind the rivets holding the box together off, remove the circuit board from the plastic box inside, re-solder the relay pins, reassemble (use pop rivets) = job done.

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