
New Member
Where do i start, brought my "w" reg Freelander 1.8 petrol with a blown head gasket for the princely sum of £300 and i thought thats not bad for that money, it has all the toys and leather trim, so i got it.

But the devil himself is somewhere in this car because after i got it home and repaired the head, i started to notice that the oil and water was starting to mix again....the head had a crack that i had not noticed when it was off and being skimmed.

So i put this down to bad luck thinking i will get another head and if it costs me a couple of hundred ive not really lost anything....coz the car was cheap!!
Got another head, got it fitted and for about a week all was well UNTIL Crunch, crunch, grind, moan, squeek, crunch, this was the IRD unit failing in a BIG way!!

After a night of curry and scotch i thought i will change it and managed to get one from this group for £225 and fitted it.....success i thought!!
Within 3 hours of this, it started to make yet another new noise.....this time it was a whirrrrrrring noise that stopped when the clutch was pressed, turned out this was the gearbox!! :mad:

Got a replacement from the local breakers (£78) and got it to fit ok, oh and fit the new clutch that i thought i had better change seeing that the box was out anyway!!!

So after doing all of that and treating it to all the loving care and attention that befits a landrover of any sort its just bitten me again.....(partly my fault)..
The remote key fob has fell off of the keyring and has gone missing, so i could get into the car, but could not start it......i went home, got the spare fob, walked back to the car, pressed the button........nothing!!
New battery i thought?? a new battery, pressed the button.....STILL NOTHING!! The key fob does not work :doh: and now its to late to order one and i'm told that its gonna cost me yet another £100+ for a new fob.

So does any of you lovely people out there know how i can disarm it without the fob so that i can get it home???

Or shall i just torch it and send the piece of **** burning back to hell!!

check that the small holder for the battery is still securely soldered to the circuit board then keep pressing the lock button to see if the fob will re-sync with the car. If no luck then you will need a new fob unless you have your EKA code to disable the immobliser.

If you need an EKA code try these people -

if you order a new fob here they will send you a unit that automatically allows the fob they send to be used on your landy. ( You have to send it back as there is a deposit required. ) Ignore any nonesense about buying fobs on ebay . ( It doesnt work. Trust me)

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